When the US Government trains individuals in the Treasury Dept. to work in its Counterfeit Deterrence Program, their emphasis is not to show them counterfeit bills and other forms of fake currency. Their emphasis instead is to study authentic, US currency. The reasoning behind this approach is to teach these individuals how to know the original⦠to spot it meticulously and without a doubt. Consequently, when a counterfeit is presented it can be immediately be discerned.
In the same way, this is how we should treat the Scriptures. We should be so profound in our knowledge and application of the Scriptures, that when the cults come along…when people come to our door with less than the truth…when we read or hear something that isn’t from the Lord…we will recognize it immediately as false. Always be aware that the master counterfeiter, Satan, is exceedingly adept at counterfeiting the truth with a lie.