💡👑 How Can I Know Jesus Christ?

“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3,4).

We all have an innate longing for someone or something beyond us. One philosopher said, “There is a God-shaped hole in every human heart.” If you want, spend your whole life studying various world religions. You can look—traveling far and wide, reading all sorts of texts found in numerous and sundry languages. Everyone, you will discover, agrees that at least one “higher power” or “supreme being” exists. Some argue for myriads of gods or goddesses (polytheism); three spiritual systems declare one God (the monotheistic systems—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).

Whatever religion you choose to follow, you will notice that works are demanded: your performance is vital to being “set right” with that higher power or supreme being. Here, you encounter more difficulties than you imagined. The harder you attempt to do right, the more you fail and more miserable you become. Right? Find religious rules and regulations, and throw all away except one. Forget juggling numerous commandments—try keeping one. When you fail with that one, you need not bother to keep the rest. You are already condemned to Hell!

Religion, a performance-based acceptance system, points out human frailty and failure. The Holy Bible titles this imperfection “SIN.” It may come as a shock to you, but you are not perfect! You are a sinner. The God of Judaism and Christianity already knew that—long before you were born and failed so miserably. In His unfathomable love, tender mercy, and abounding grace; He became a Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die to pay for those sins (today’s Scripture). Yea, Christ died for every last one of your sins. Once His rich, royal, sinless blood was shed, He was buried. Then, He resurrected in great power, victorious over sin and death! Do you believe that in your heart? Do you trust His finished crosswork at Calvary as sufficient payment for your sins? source

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