๐Ÿ‘‘ What The World Needs

Strange, is it not, that when men are successful, they generally credit themselves liberally for their success but when things go wrong they begin to blame others โ€” even God.

The writer does not have up-to-date information about two particular plots of ground in Moscow, but some years ago one of these was a beautiful garden, the other a patch of weeds. Above each there was a sign. Over the one: โ€œThis plot is cared for by the United Soviet Socialist Republic,โ€ over the other: โ€œThis plot is cared for by Godโ€!

Evidently the atheistic Soviets who hatched this โ€œbright ideaโ€ did not stop to think that only God could produce the beautiful flowers in the USSR plot. All their watering and cultivating would have been in vain except for the God they deny.

As to the other plot, they probably did not even know that even in Eden God put the garden in manโ€™s charge โ€œto dress it and to keep itโ€ (Gen. 2:15), and later, when man sinned, God said to Adam, โ€œCursed is the ground for thy sakeโ€ (Gen. 3:17). This is why the Soviets must employ a gardener to control the weeds in even their garden! How wrong and foolish, then, for man ever to blame God for anything that goes wrong for him or causes him trouble!

Actually, when I have been asked: โ€œIf God is a God of love, why does He allow all this trouble and misery, and all this wickedness?โ€ I have replied: โ€œThatโ€™s easy. When God sent His Son into this world offering peace and righteousness and prosperity they cried: โ€˜Away with Himโ€™ and nailed Him to a cross. If the Bible is true, and in this case it has surely proved to be true, how can this world expect peace while they still reject the Prince of Peace?โ€ source

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