I don’t believe we were designed to complete each other. I also feel that when we espouse this belief system, we set ourselves up for relational strife. In the Bible, it is instructed that we are to be completed in Him … not in other people. When we’re completed and fulfilled in Him, we simply want to pour into our relationships and nourish them … instead of habitually needing, expecting, and taking things out of our relationships … things that the other individual in the relationship weren’t necessarily designed and intended to give. Classic co-dependency.
The woman at the well (John 4:1-38) is the quintessential example of this: She was a five-time divorcee and the man she was with currently wasn’t even her husband. She was drinking from the wrong well. This woman, not unlike many individuals in relationships today, are seeking to be completed and fulfilled from the wrong source (recall the famous movie quote “You complete me”). When we purposely and consistently connect to the source of Life (God), our relationships begin to thrive because our goals and desires in relationships are His. And they change from a mindset of taking … to a mindset of giving. That’s how we were designed. And He is the answer.