Some golden daybreak the trump is going to sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Then: “We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ; that every one … ➡
Some golden daybreak the trump is going to sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Then: “We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ; that every one … ➡
We believe there will be recognition in heaven, which, as we are going to see, can be substantiated from Paul’s revelation. But it should be remembered that the subject of recognition in eternity is a biblical principle that transcends the ages and dispensations.
In Paul’s epistle to the Philippians, … ➡
God has put each man on the spot, as it were, by offering justification and eternal life as a free gift, through Christ, who died for our sins. Rom. 6:23 clearly states:
… ➡“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
“But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that are under the law…” (Gal. 4:4,5).
Paul says Christ entered the world, “…to redeem them that were under the law” (the Jews). But … ➡
“I’m a little foggy on the meaning of this passage. ‘That in everything ye are enriched by Him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge; Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you’ (I Cor. 1:5,6).”
The key to understanding this passage is to remember that Paul … ➡
Our society is getting farther and farther away from the Bible and its message about Christ and His redeeming work. While proclaiming man’s inherent goodness, men are demonstrating their inherent badness and their need of salvation.
True Christians are not frustrated by the present circumstances, however. Acknowledging that they … ➡
The Lord Jesus said to a religious leader of His day: “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). All true Christians have been born again by the Spirit of God (Titus 3:5). They are therefore the children of God (Rom. 8:16).… ➡
In Romans 2:11 we read that “there is no respect of persons with God,” and these very words, with slight variations, are found many times in the Bible. How wonderful! All stand on the same footing before His bar of justice.
Do you know why the kings in Israel’s … ➡
St. Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans, refers to those who receive “the abundance of grace” and “the gift of righteousness” (Rom. 5:17) which God in love bestows upon all who trust in His Son for salvation.
The Bible declares that no man can ever stand uncondemned in … ➡
This place where men must go after death to purge their sins is an invention of religion. The word purgatory comes from the word purge, and the Bible says that Christ “by Himself purged our sins” without any help from us (Heb. 1:3).
The Lord told the … ➡
In Romans 8 St. Paul points to two great truths which every true believer knows. The first (Verses 22,23) he knows by experience; the second (Verse 28) he knows by faith.
… ➡Rom. 8:22,23: “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And
The early part of my Christian experience was closely identified with a denominational church that held dogmatically to the Acts 2 position. They were resting comfortably on the bed of tradition, and used its covers as security blankets to insulate themselves from the reality of God’s Word, rightly divided. … ➡
One day a little girl showed me a picture of herself, all dressed up for her “first communion!” “How pretty!”, I exclaimed. “But do you know what happened at the very first communion supper?” “Yes,” she said, “they killed Him.” “That’s right,” I agreed, “but there’s much more than … ➡
Have you ever noticed the wording of the majestic statement with which the Bible opens?
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen. 1:1).
It does not say that God created “the universe,” but “the heaven” and “the earth.”
This is because God had a special … ➡
“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief” (I Tim. 1:15).
Of all Paul’s “faithful sayings,” this is perhaps the most wonderful, and the one through which most people have found the … ➡
“…he that gathered little had no lack…” (Ex. 16:18).
“Neither was there any among them that lacked…” (Acts 4:34).
“…that ye may have lack of nothing” (I Thes. 4:11,12).
As we can see here, throughout the Bible, God has … ➡
“Why does Genesis 6:6 say ‘it repented the LORD that He had made man’ if He knew in advance how sinful man would get?”
You may be thinking that the word “repent” there means God regretted He made man, and my dictionary says “regret” can mean “a looking back … ➡
Millions of people — even religious people — are afraid of God and are struggling to earn His favor. They suppose that salvation is the reward of showing enough love to Him. If only they would believe what God Himself says, that if we are ever saved it will … ➡
… ➡“Someone pointed out to me that the word ‘virgin’ in Isaiah 7:14 is the Hebrew word ‘almah’ meaning, ‘a young woman’—in other words, a ‘young woman’ who may or may not be a virgin. I am a firm believer in the virgin birth of Christ, but how do I