๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ‘‘ Are You Sure of Heaven? โš“

Would you like to have the knowledge, the assurance and the joy of sins forgiven? Would you like to be sure of heaven?

Well, the first step to heaven is to realize that you cannot get there by trying. You canโ€™t walk there. You canโ€™t climb there. You canโ€™t fly there. Only God can take you there. Many try to earn heaven. They try to climb there on a ladder of good works. They talk about โ€œadding another rung.โ€ But look out for that good works ladder! Itโ€™s not anchored at the top and the higher you climb the farther you will fall.

Godโ€™s Word says that salvation is โ€œthe gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boastโ€ (Eph. 2:8,9). He is not going to have boasters in heaven โ€” there are enough of them on earth and nobody likes them.

All of us should realize that even the best of us are not good enough for heaven, for โ€œall have sinned and come short of the glory of Godโ€ (Rom.ย 3:23), but in this same statement the Apostle Paul declares that believers in Christ, who died for our sins, are โ€œjustified freely by His [Godโ€™s] grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesusโ€ (Rom.ย 3:24).

โ€œTherefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christโ€ (Rom. 5:1).

So, friend, it is not by trying, or crying, or praying, or paying, or doing anything that you will reach heaven: it is only by believing. God says He loves sinners, and that Christ died for our sins. Will you believe this and trust Christ as your Savior? source

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Posted in ๐Ÿ’ก Q&A, ๐Ÿ‘‘ Studies
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