πŸ‘‘πŸ™πŸ½ How To Deal With Anger

We are living in a day when philosophy says, β€œexpress yourself openly,” β€œtell it like it is,” β€œopen up,” β€œlet it all hang out.” However, the Scriptures counsel us to exercise restraint.

β€œThe fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law” (Gal. 5:22-23).

As we walk by grace through faith, temperance will enable us to keep our anger under control. But how does this work out in a practical sense? Those who fly off in a fit of rage permit their anger to take control of them. Consequently, the energy emitted from this emotion is usually misdirected at someone or something. Sinful anger tears down. Thus, in the heat of the moment things are often said and done which cause irreparable damage to relationships.

β€œBe ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil” (Eph. 4:26-27).

Paul adds here in Ephesians, β€œlet not the sun go down upon your wrath.” We should never allow our anger to simmer overnight. This will only cause it to become more deeply seated. β€œNeither give place to the devil.” You see, if you fail to handle things in the proper and biblical manner, you may well be giving Satan an opportunity to drive a deeper wedge in your relationships with others. Surely, we are not ignorant of his devices. Always remember, Satan is an opportunist.


Heavenly Father,

Forgive me for my outbursts of anger. Today I choose to be constrained by your words when I feel that my anger is simmering or rising. I choose to lay down the anger that leads to sin and to walk in the Spirit instead. I choose to overcome evil with good and to be kind to others, tenderhearted, and forgiving, even as God in Christ has forgiven me. Thank You, Father, for Your immeasurable gift of forgiveness and for the truth that leads to wisdom and grace. It’s in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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Posted in πŸ‘‘ Studies, πŸ™πŸ½ Prayers
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[…] is related to the wordΒ temper,Β of course, a word that we always associate withΒ anger.Β But anger is what happens when youΒ loseΒ your temper. Your temper is the calm, moderate way in which we are […]

7 years ago

Lord to take your granddaughter away from your daughter due to drugs is a hard thing then for everyone to treat my daughter like the victim makes me so angry I lost my whole family saving a child from abuse , please help me to understand dysfunctional people

7 years ago
Reply to  Leesa

Lifting prayers for you and your family…for a peace that surpasses all understanding…in Jesus’ name.

8 years ago

I am a single mother with 6 kids age range from 10 to 9 months my children are unappreciative mean to each other so I am angry all the time don’t play with them just cook clean and make sure all basic needs meet with low income I almost truly hate my kids there ways,life itself why I need help stress

8 years ago
Reply to  Hannah

Lifting prayers for you and your kids, Hannah…in Jesus’ name!

Angela Calhoun
Angela Calhoun
8 years ago

I’m dealing with unfairness on my job and I’m trying to handle things without getting angry. Please help with comments or suggestions

8 years ago
Reply to  Angela Calhoun

Hi Angela, the best advice I can give is to study/meditate in the Word. Almost inexplicably, you will see a change if you do so consistently. Lifting prayers in Jesus’ name!

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