“He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike, an abomination to the Lord” (Proverbs 17:15).
There is ample wisdom in this verse regarding judgment.Β I believe that we justify the wicked in the way that we hold them accountable. When we hold someone accountable, we need to make certain that they take responsibility for their actions and assist in protecting them from returning to the same path despite their potential resistance. We need to help them create specific boundaries and a faith-based support system. I believe that God has given us the authority to do so.Β To readily discern between judgment and accountability.
Sadly, accountability is too often construed as judgment.Β When we struggle with this balance, it’s because we ourselves are lacking wisdom and discernment.Β As we progress in our walks however, and our relationship with theΒ Holy Spirit becomes more in tune, we begin to live with a clarity that effortlessly distinguishes between the two.