To lead a joyful and peaceful Christian life, it’s imperative that we let God preside over situations that are beyond your control. Worry and trust do not coexist. When we invite worry in the front door of our lives, our faith will inevitably depart through the back. So we must ask, “Will I trust my worries, or will I trust God?” There are many circumstances that are beyond our control but there is nothing beyond the control of our Heavenly Father.
Philippians 4:6-7
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God all your needs…If you do this you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.”
When circumstances are against us or we need to make a tough decision, we have two alternatives: We can choose to panic or we can choose to pray. If it isn’t worth praying about, it isn’t worth worrying about. But if it’s worth worrying about, it’s always worth praying about.
Romans 8:32
“Since God didn’t spare even his own Son for us but gave him up for us, won’t he surely give us everything else?”
If it is meant to be, God will deliver.

…searched “worry” on google and directed to your site. God bless you for you have been an instrument to heal and end my worries today!
Love this. Very well written and very true. Thank you
You’re welcome and thank you for the gracious comments!!
God Bless,