👑 The Dispensation Of Grace

Many people have a mistaken notion that a dispensation is a period of time. This is not so, however, for the word “dispense” means simply “to deal out”. The word “dispensation”, then, means “the act of dispensing or dealing out”, or “that which is dispensed or dealt out”.

The word “dispensation” is used many times in the Bible, although it is not always translated the same way. In Ephesians 3:2, Paul writes of “the dispensation of the grace of God, which is given me to you-ward”. God had committed to him the wonderful message of grace to dispense to others. Thus we read in Acts 20:24 his stirring words, spoken in the face of persecution and death:

“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, AND THE MINISTRY WHICH I HAVE RECEIVED OF THE LORD JESUS, TO TESTIFY THE GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD.”

The “gospel” or “good news” of the grace of God: This was the dispensation committed to Paul for us by the risen, ascended Lord. This is always Paul’s message.

“Where sin abounded GRACE did much more abound…the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His GRACE…” (Rom. 5:20; Eph.1:7). source

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[…] to recognize the symbolism that Peter understood and acknowledged, and rejoice with us that in the dispensation of God’s grace there are no foods—or people—that are unclean in God’s sight. […]


[…] Now here we have a dispensational difference. God hasn’t promised you that kind of power. You can tarry in Jerusalem all you want, and you will not be endued with power like that from on high. I know that churches often hold what they call “tarrying meetings,” where they get together to wait for the Spirit to come upon them in that miraculous manner. But no one today receives that kind of power from the Spirit, simply because the Father didn’t promise it to us members of the Body of Christ, living in the dispensation of grace. […]


[…] bearer of the sword “a revenger,” he is explaining that God takes vengeance on evil doers in the dispensation of grace by the sword of civil […]


[…] today, in the dispensation of grace, we are all “baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles” (I Cor. 12:13). […]


[…] influencing him to get right with the Lord (2 Sam. 12). God used one man, Paul, to reveal our new dispensation of grace, and Onesiphorus to encourage Paul in a time of great trial (2 Tim. […]


[…] that this is pleasing to the Lord. It shows you are following and living by God’s will for this dispensation of grace. And a well-worn Bible, especially with the pages of Paul’s letters worn out, can lead to a […]


[…] Bible gives these divisions a unique name; they’re called “dispensations.” Our English Bible uses the word “dispensation” four times: 1 Corinthians 9:17, […]


[…] you glad the Lord waited to raise the saints of this dispensation until you got saved? […]


[…] We are living in the time of the mystery (Eph. 3:1-9), not in the time of the fulfillment of prophecy, so nothing in the prophetic book of Daniel describes anything that is going on today. […]


[…] Most Christians think that Luke was written for us, members of the Body of Christ, living in the dispensation of grace. But the Book of Luke describes the earthly life of the Lord Jesus, and Paul tells us that […]


[…] of what it will cost, all of God’s people can experience a little bit of heaven on earth now, in this dispensation. We have God’s Word on it. If you’re not a pastor, why not encourage your pastor to […]


[…] He looked forward to the time when, not only redeemed Israel, but the redeemed of every nation and dispensation will rejoice in sins forgiven and all that this entails for them. As He “gave thanks” in view […]


[…] you are not saved, enjoy the dispensation of grace while it lasts, for you are going to be left behind when the Rapture brings an end to this […]


[…] Him”. Yet, it is true that His children will be rewarded for faithfulness to Him. This is not a dispensational matter; it is a promise that God has always held out to His people (Dan. 12:3; Matt. 25:21; I Cor. 4:5; I […]


[…] “dispensation of the grace of God” than did Abraham, and he certainly did not live under the dispensation of grace. He lived under the dispensation of the Law, when sacrifices were required for acceptance with God. […]


[…] will be the glorious consummation of the mystery but we, of the dispensation of grace, are to show men and angels that true oneness is to be found only in Christ (Eph. […]


[…] outwardly, were anything but encouraging. It seemed that the last days of the dispensation of grace were indeed at hand. The apostle had borne many “persecutions” and “afflictions” and now […]


[…] secret purpose concerning “the dispensation of the grace of God” is the subject of Paul’s epistles. However, it is interesting to see how Peter’s last […]

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