πŸ‘‘ The Bible and Its Author

Back on the shelf she placed the book with a sigh. It was too dull and uninteresting to wade through. She didn’t feel like reading anyway; in fact, she was utterly bored, and didn’t feel like doing anything.

The next night was different β€” very different. At a party she had met the kind of man she could really go for. He seemed interested in her too, and in the weeks that followed they saw more and more of each other, until she was sure she loved him.

One night he mentioned something about a book he had written, and somehow the title rang a bell with her. Where had she seen it? It bothered her that she couldn’t remember. When she reached home, however, it dawned on her all of a sudden. This was the book she had found so boring. She hadn’t even noticed the name of the author.

Taking the book down from the shelf again, she began reading. As she read page after page, she asked herself: β€œWhy did I think this book was boring? I had no idea he could write β€” and so well!” And thus, avidly, she continued reading far into the night.

Yes, it makes a great deal of difference if you know the Author β€” and especially if you love him! How many believers in Christ there are whose most precious hours are spent in reading and studying the Bible β€” a Book which once seemed dull and uninteresting to them! The reason? They have come to know and love the Author!

Our Lord said: β€œThis is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent” (John 17:3). But how do we obtain the β€œlife eternal” with which this knowledge is bound up? Our Lord said: β€œHe that believeth on Me hath everlasting life” (John 6:47). Salvation is, after all, a love story to be believed, and by which we come to know Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. source

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[…] forget, when the Bible says things like, β€œGod… will have allΒ menΒ to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge […]

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