πŸ•― Poems

πŸ•―οΈ So Very Rich (II Cor. 8:9)

So rich, so very rich, was Christ
Through past eternity!
As God the Son, with God enthroned,
The Heir of all was He.
So poor, so very poor, did He
As Son of man become!
From manger birth to shameful death
Rejected by His own.
For us, ah yes, … ➑

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πŸ‘‘πŸ•―οΈ Memories

Some golden daybreak the trump is going to sound and the dead in Christ shall rise first and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Then: β€œWe must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ; that every one … ➑

Posted in πŸ•― Poems, πŸ‘‘ Studies

πŸ•―οΈ A Faithful Saying (I Tim. 1:15)

A faithful saying this,
The heart of heaven’s scheme:
Christ Jesus came into the world
Vile sinners to redeem.

For love of sinful men
He left His throne on high
And stooped to bear th’ accursed cross,
For sinful men to die.

Nor did He only save
From hell … ➑

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πŸ•―οΈ Because He Loved Us

Why did the Lord of glory
Leave His heav’nly home,
To come to earth and suffer here
For wrongs He had not done?

Why did He go to Calv’ry
To bear the shame and loss,
And give His life for sinners vile
Upon th’ accursed cross?

Why?…Because He loved … ➑

Posted in πŸ•― Poems

πŸ•―οΈ The 23rd Channel

The TV is my shepherd, I shall not want for entertainment.
It maketh me to lie down on the sofa.
It leadeth me away from the Scriptures.
It destroyeth my soul.
It leadeth me in the path of sex and violence for the sponsor’s sake.
Yea, though I walk … ➑

Posted in πŸ•― Poems

πŸ•―οΈ When I Say Goodbye

When to this world I say goodbye, Whether Christ shall come or I shall die;
I shall not fear my future state, Nor yet resign my soul to fate;
β€˜Tis neither boast no carnal pride, Nor natural worth I have inside;
My trust is not in human creeds, Nor … ➑

Posted in πŸ•― Poems

πŸ•―οΈ Resurrection Power

How comes this flower to bloom so fair,
With loveliest fragrance to fill the air?
A short time ago the seed lay dead,
The cold, wintry ground its desolate bed.

But now, behold, from the dampened earth,
Without a sound to betray its birth,
This thing of beauty has … ➑

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πŸ‘‘πŸ•― God’s Two Poems

In Romans 1:18-20 the Apostle Paul declares that ungodly men are β€œwithout excuse” because they are surrounded by the evidences of the Creator’s β€œeternal power and Godhead.”

Our Authorized Version calls the creation, in this passage, β€œthe things that are made,” but in the Greek it is called literally … ➑

Posted in πŸ•― Poems, πŸ‘‘ Studies

πŸ•― Maker Of The Universe

The Maker of the universe
as Man, for man, was made a curse.

The claims of Law which He had made,
unto the uttermost He paid.

His holy fingers made the bough,
which grew the thorns that crowned His brow.

The nails that pierced His hands were mined
in … ➑

Posted in πŸ•― Poems

πŸ•― A Word Of Encouragement

Grace be to you and peace
Though days be dark about us.
God’s working out His plan
All enemies regardless.

We know that Bethlehem’s Babe
Once crucified, is risen
And seated now above,
At God’s right hand in heaven.

And soon He’ll come again
His loved ones to deliver.… ➑

Posted in πŸ•― Poems

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