πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ Contrasting The Twelve Apostles And Paul

In contrasting the ministry of the twelve apostles with that of the Apostle Paul, we must observe carefully:

Β· The twelve were chosen by ChristΒ ON EARTHΒ (LukeΒ 6:13) while Paul was later chosen by ChristΒ IN HEAVENΒ (Acts 9:3-5; Acts 26:16).

Β· Prior to Paul’s conversion the twelve had known Christ onlyΒ ON EARTHΒ (I John 1:1). Even at His ascension to heaven β€œa cloud received HimΒ OUT OF THEIR SIGHT” (Acts 1:9). But Paul knew Christ onlyΒ IN HEAVEN, having never seen Him on earth (Acts 26:16; I Cor. 15:8).

Β· The twelve represented their own nation.Β The number twelve has no connection with the β€œone Body” of Christ. As we know, Jacob of old β€œbegat theΒ twelve patriarchs” (Acts 7:8). From these sprang theΒ twelve tribesΒ of Israel. These tribes hadΒ twelve princesΒ over them (NumbersΒ 1:16). Even when Israel was ruled by kings there were still to beΒ twelve princesΒ β€” one over each tribe (I Chronicles 27:22). Thus, as He went forth proclaiming β€œthe gospel of the kingdom” our Lord choseΒ twelve princesΒ for theΒ twelve thronesΒ in the kingdom to come (Matt.Β 19:28).

On the other hand, Paul, asΒ oneΒ apostle, represents the β€œoneΒ Body,” the Church of today (Rom. 12:5; I Cor.Β 12:13; Eph. 4:4). However, he was both aΒ born HebrewΒ and aΒ born Roman, so represented believing Jews and Gentiles β€œreconciled…unto God in one body by the cross…” (Eph.Β 2:16).

Β· The twelve were sent to proclaim Christ’s kingdomΒ β€œat hand” (Matt. 10:7), and later toΒ offerΒ its establishment on earth (Acts 3:19-26). But Paul was sent to proclaimΒ β€œthe gospel of the grace of God” (ActsΒ 20:24), while the kingdom is held in abeyance.

Β· The ministry of the twelve was based onΒ covenant promisesΒ (Isaiah 60:1-3; Luke 1:70-79; Acts 3:22-26). Paul’s ministry wasΒ notΒ based on covenant promises, but wholly onΒ the grace of GodΒ through Christ (Rom. 3:21-28; 5: 20,21; Eph. 1:6,7; 2:7; etc.). source

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[…] πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ Contrasting The Twelve Apostles And Paul […]

[…] The ministry of the twelve was based onΒ covenant promisesΒ (Isaiah 60:1-3; Luke 1:70-79; Acts 3:22-26). Paul’s ministry wasΒ notΒ based on covenant promises, but wholly onΒ the grace of God through Christ (Rom.3:21-28; 5: 20,21; Eph.1:6,7; 2:7; etc.). source […]

[…] πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ Contrasting The Twelve Apostles And Paul […]

[…] Paul went to the Gentiles with his β€œgospel of the grace of God.” This is striking in view of the fact that the twelve, not Paul, had originally been sent into all the […]

[…] few know about Paul, God’s apostle to the […]

[…] But, like Moses, James was the servant of GodΒ to the twelve tribes of IsraelΒ (James 1:1b), while Paul was sent to us Gentiles (Acts 22:21; 26:17,18; Gal. 1:16; 2:2,7; Eph. 3:8; I Tim. 2:7; II Tim. […]

[…] πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ Contrasting The Twelve Apostles And Paul […]

[…] will rise in β€œthe first resurrection” (Rev. 20:5) to assume his throne with the rest of the Twelve, but Judas will […]

[…] πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ Contrasting The Twelve Apostles And Paul […]

[…] prophesied program. Delaying Christ’s return to judge and reign. God chose another apostle, separate from the twelve, to bring a message of grace to this Christ-rejecting world. How great is His mercy and […]

[…] the above passage teaches anything clearly, it teaches the unique character of Paul’s apostleship and message. The Apostle devotes almost two chapters of his letter to the Galatians to the fact that he had not […]

[…] stick to your guns when it comes to standing for the distinctivenessΒ of the apostleship and message of Paul. In the face of opposition fromΒ men and devils alike, continue to insist that whether he’s […]

Brethren I count it joy whenever I read a passage and find out how God loved us before even the world was, in the ministry of Jesus Christ of Nazareth while on Earth with the twelve it’s very clear that God had sent him to fulfill the sayings of the prophets meaning that isreal as a Nation was choosen by God on behalf of us all over the world, however it’s imperative to note that though Jesus Christ of Nazareth came the law of Moses still prevailed among the tribes of Israel and the gospel of John the Baptist made… Read more Β»

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