πŸ™πŸ½ Prayer For The LORD To Reveal Himself And His Plans To Give Us A Future And A Hope

Lord, please reveal Yourself and Your plans to me. Show me that You are real, that You love me endlessly, and that You have great plans, and a future with hope for me. Surround me with Godly influences, individuals, and resources that will lovingly hold me accountable and guide me back onto Your path. Give me the courage to continue through the hard times and trials and to trust in Your promises … because they are tested and proven. Help me to understand the bible when I read and hear Your words and how to apply them so that I can continue to be transformed into Your image and all that You made me to be. Show me that my identity comes from You and not the world … that You made me perfect and that You are and will be my Heavenly Father that cares for me, provides for me, and gives me eternal life. I praise You and thank you for hearing me in Jesus’ precious and mighty name, AMEN!

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Matsande Wilson
2 years ago

For me to get a job

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