πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ The Two Programs Of God

God’s program for the earth is identified as prophecy, while His program for the heavenlies is known as the Mystery. A program is defined as β€œβ€¦a plan or procedure for dealing with some matter.” For instance, we might watch a documentary of american history followed by a documentary on wildlife. Both are programs, but they deal with two entirely different subjects. The same is true with God’s Word. The theme of God’s Prophetic program embraces Christ’s reign upon the earth in the future millennial kingdom. On the other hand, the Mystery points to our exaltation with Christ in the heavenlies.

Just as the great Continental Divide separates the rivers flowing toward the Atlantic from those flowing toward the Pacific, in like manner the Word of god is divided into two partsβ€”Prophecy and Mystery. Sad to say, many dear saints have proceeded down the wrong side of the Continental Divide of Holy Scripture. they are peacefully floating down the Prophetic river unaware that a dangerous falls lie ahead. indeed, they will be saved because the Lord cannot deny Himself, but they will suffer terrible loss at the Judgment Seat of Christ (1 Cor. 3:9-15). Those whose eyes have been open to see the Mystery are proceeding down the proper side of the divide. They should be prepared, however, to shoot the rapids, inasmuch as those who stand for the truth of Paul’s gospel will face almost unbelievable opposition. Thankfully, these waters flow into an ocean of eternal reward at journey’s end. source

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[…] πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ The Two Programs Of God […]

[…] πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ The Two Programs Of God […]

Glory to God n Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth am very glad to hear from you about these two important programs of God this clearly means we are Loved by God through Jesus Christ of Nazareth y am I saying so? Well the first program is about the prophecy about the coming of the Messiah whose coming is meant and was supposed to shed his precious blood on the cross at Calvary for me hence the second program thereof, it’s upon us today to make it known all over the world so that Cultism teachings don’t divert the church of… Read more Β»

6 years ago

God bless you!

6 years ago

God bless you!

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