πŸ‘‘ A Precious Commodity

It has been said that β€œwhen Raphael died atΒ thirty-seven years of age, they carried his marvelousΒ painting, β€˜The Transfiguration,’ only half finished,Β in the funeral procession as a symbol of the incompletenessΒ of life and the brevity of time.”

Time is a precious commodity! When the Apostle Paul instructedΒ the Ephesians to redeem the time, he wanted them to make wise use ofΒ it. They were not to squander it on worldly pursuits that would drawΒ them away from the things of the Lord. But redeeming the time alsoΒ implies taking advantage of opportunities that present themselvesΒ in life. When Paul, for example, was unjustly incarcerated at Rome,Β he did not view his circumstances as a setback in his ministry, but asΒ an opportunity for the furtherance of the gospel. It gave him accessΒ to Caesar’s household that he would not have otherwise had. AndΒ as a result, many were saved.

Rather than dwell on his mitigating circumstances that wouldΒ have only frustrated the grace of God, Paul instead chose to produceΒ what is perhaps his greatest body of workβ€”his Prison Epistles thatΒ continue to minister to the Body of Christ to this very day. This isΒ why it is important to follow Paul’s example, that we too might beΒ more productive in the Lord’s service. His unfaltering love and devotionΒ to the Savior, Who saved him on the road to Damascus, was theΒ motivating influence in his life, as it should be in ours.

There will be numerous opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life. But it is essential to take advantage of them as Paul did. Perhaps it’s a neighbor down the street who needs a helping hand. Reach out to them, as the Lord reached out to us; and when you do, take the gospel with you. Become a mentor to someone who is new to the faith, someone who has more questions than answers about the Word of God. Make a difference in someone’s life. Only eternity will bearΒ out the fruits of your labor for Christ. You will be amazed when youΒ get to Glory and someone walks up to you and says, β€œThank you forΒ the word of encouragement that day, it was a turning point in myΒ Christian life.”

May God help us to live every day in light of the Judgment Seat ofΒ Christ, where we will all stand astounded at what could have been. source

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