πŸ‘‘ An Apostle In Hope of Eternal Life

β€œPaul…an apostle of Jesus Christ…in hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began” (Titus 1:1,2).

If you’re a Gentile, you should be eternally grateful that Paul, β€œthe apostle of the Gentiles” (Rom. 11:13), was made an apostle β€œin hope of eternal life.” You see, before Paul came along, we Gentiles had β€œno hope” of eternal life (Eph. 2;11,12)! But Paul was made an apostle toΒ give usΒ that hope.

The word β€œhope” means to expect or anticipate something that may or may not happen, depending on something else. PaulΒ hopedΒ to send Timothy to the Philippians, but it depended on how things would go for him (Phil. 2:19-23). But he told a Gentile named Titus that the hope of our eternal life dependsΒ onΒ the promise of God–the God who β€œcannot lie.” If you think hope like that is pretty secure, say amen!

Of course, if youΒ doΒ think that’s a pretty secure hope, it is probably because you’ve studied the Bible all your life, so you know you canΒ trust the God of the Bible to keep His promises. But Titus was the leader of the churches in Crete (Tit. 1:5), an island off the coast of Greece. So instead of studying the God of the Bible all their lives, the Cretians studied the gods of the Greeks. And if you want to talk about a bunch of lowdown, no good, lyingΒ scoundrels, just spend some time studying the gods of Greek mythology!

This is why in writing to the leader of the churches in Crete the apostle Paul spoke of God as the God whoΒ cannotΒ lie. Surely Titus needed no such assurance, but Paul knew he would share his epistle with his congregations.Β TheyΒ needed to know that this God that was offering them the hope of eternal life was not a liar like the gods they knew all too well from their past.

If you’re not saved, and you are wondering how toΒ obtainΒ the eternal life that God promised us Gentiles, Paul told Timothy that he was made an apostle β€œaccording to the promise of lifeΒ which is in Christ Jesus” (II Tim. 1:1). Eternal life is found in Christ! And when Paul also wrote that β€œthe gift of GodΒ is eternal life through Jesus Christ” (Romans 6:23), we know that God wants toΒ give youΒ eternal lifeΒ as a free gift.Β And the only way to receive this gift is by believing. Speaking of God’s promise of eternal life, Paul says β€œthat the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be givenΒ to them that believe” (Galatians 3:22).

Believe what? Believe the gospel! What gospel? The gospel that could save even the sinful Corinthians! Writing to them, Paul said,

β€œβ€¦I declare unto you the gospel…which also ye have received…by which also ye are saved…Christ died for our sins…and…was buried, and…rose again” (I Corinthians 15:1-4).

Now you know what to believe when Paul says,

β€œBelieve on the Lord Jesus Christ,Β and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). source

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