πŸ‘‘ Break With Tradition

The early part of my Christian experience was closely identified with a denominational church that held dogmatically to the Acts 2 position. They were resting comfortably on the bed of tradition, and used its covers as security blankets to insulate themselves from the reality of God’s Word, rightly divided. But with me it was somewhat different. I kept tossing and turning and was unable to get a good night’s sleep, spiritually speaking. Something was wrong with the bed that I had climbed into, but I was unable to put my finger on the problem. The more that I studied and taught the Scriptures, the more restless I felt.

Tradition said, β€œTeach what Jesus taught.” But Jesus taught, β€œGoΒ notΒ into the way of the Gentiles…But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt. 10:5,6). Tradition said, β€œWalk where Jesus walked.” But JesusΒ miraculouslyΒ walked where no man has ever set foot before: β€œAnd in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea” (Matt.Β 14:25). Tradition said, β€œObey the commandments of Jesus.” But Jesus commanded, β€œAnd theseΒ signsΒ shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (MarkΒ 16:17,18). Tradition said, β€œThe Church, the Body of Christ began in Acts Chapter 2 on the day of Pentecost.” But the narrative says, β€œTherefore let all theΒ house of IsraelΒ know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye [unbelieving Israel] have crucified, both Lord andΒ ChristΒ [Messiah of Israel]” (ActsΒ 2:36).

When I pointed these inconsistencies out to those in spiritual leadership at the time, I was politely told not to take these things so seriously. They felt that it was far more important to win lost souls to Christ than to quibble over such insignificant matters. The Word of God insignificantβ€”God forbid the thought! Thankfully for the sake of these religious leaders, we are not living under the former dispensation lest fire come out of heaven to consume them. Little wonder the Church is in such a state of confusion. Not long after this encounter, the Lord graciously opened the eyes of my understanding to the revelation of theΒ Mystery. source

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