πŸ‘‘ Everlasting Life

Romans 8:2, when correctly read, is a most blessed passage of Scripture. To get the sense we should place a dash between the words β€œSpirit” and β€œof.” Thus it would read: β€œFor the law of the Spirit β€” of life in Christ Jesus, hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”

When a sinner places his trust in Christ as Savior he is justified before the bar of God, because Christ’s death and righteousness are imputed to him. This is a judicial matter.

But at the same moment something else happens: the Spirit regenerates and gives new life (Titus 3:5). This is a law, an inexorable, unchangeable law. The sinner who sincerely places his trust in Christ as Savior is given life by the Holy Spirit. It is always so; it is never otherwise.

I JohnΒ 5:12Β says: β€œHe that hath the Son hath life….” JohnΒ 3:36Β says that β€œHe that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life” and Col. 3:3 declares that the believer’s life is β€œhid with Christ in God.”

Thus the Apostle could say: β€œThe law of the Spirit, [that of] life in Christ, hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Adam forfeited his life by sin, but the believer’s new life can never be forfeited, for this life is nothing less than the life of Christ, in whom the believer now stands perfect and complete before God.

It is a law, a fixed unchangeable law, that sin brings forth death (Rom.Β 5:12;Β 6:23; et al). This is called β€œthe law of sin and death,” but the believer has already died for sin in Christ and has been given new life by the Spirit. Thus β€œthe law of the Spirit,” that of β€œlife in Christ,” has made the simplest believer β€œfree from the law of sin and death.”

Thank God for β€œthe law of the Spirit,” everlasting life through the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. source

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