πŸ‘‘ Go Not Aside From AnyΒ Words

β€œAnd thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them” (Deuteronomy 28:14).

Those outside the Christian community tell us there is no right or wrong, that everything is relative (β€œyou have your truth, I have mine, so let us agree to disagree,” et cetera). We expect this from peopleΒ withoutΒ a Bible: having no absolute standard of rightness, they cannot gauge other systems with it. What is strange is whenΒ β€œChristian” people suggest, β€œWhy cannot we all just get along? Why nitpick about doctrine? As long as we believe in Jesus, is that not enough?”

JEHOVAH God expressly warned the nation Israel in today’s Scripture. In verses 1-14, He told Israel that He would bless her if she obeyedΒ allΒ of His laws. Verses 15-68 are a very thorough listing of the horrible curses to befall Israel if she drifts from HisΒ β€œwords.” Today’s Scripture is very strict. There isΒ noΒ loose, β€œDo the best you can,” β€œAs long as you obey most of My commandments,” or β€œJust believe in Me and I will bless you.” AllΒ theΒ wordsΒ of the LORD are important. They wereΒ notΒ to deviateΒ at allΒ fromΒ anythingΒ that He specifiedβ€”particular doctrines mattered becauseΒ specific words mattered. Any departure from thoseΒ very wordsΒ constituted idolatry (worshipping something other than the one true God).

Study Israel’s history from that time forward. SheΒ forgotΒ the divine words butΒ keptΒ the religious rituals, rites, and ceremonies. For instance, 15 centuries after today’s Scripture, Jesus constantly corrected Israel’s religious leaders for being ignorant of the Bible.Β β€œYe do err, not knowing the scriptures…” (MatthewΒ 22:29).Β β€œHave ye not read so much as this…?”(Luke 6:3). If the leaders did not know anything, what about the commoners?Β β€œ[The religious leaders] be blind leaders of theΒ blind” (MatthewΒ 15:14). EquallyΒ β€œblind!”

The professing β€œChurch” finds itself in such a pitiful dilemma today. There is a nice outward formβ€”beautiful music, elaborate prayers, costly vessels, state-of-the-art auditoriums, and so onβ€”but how we doΒ notΒ know theΒ wordsΒ of God. Like Israel of old, we have wafted right and left! source

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