πŸ‘‘ God Uses People

Sinners, the ungodly, the imperfect, the fearful! Why does God choose such losers to change the world? I’m thinking it’s because there’s a lot more of us to choose from! God uses people to change the world.

Abraham the liar. David the adulterer and murderer. Are you getting the picture? What they lacked in perfection, God made up for in love. How can God possibly use you to make a difference? Look at those He’s already used and take heart! Because you are imperfect, you can speak of making mistakes. Because you’re a sinner, you can give testimony to forgiveness. God restores the broken and the brittle, then parades them before the world as trophies of his love and strength! If God chose only righteous people, you could count them all on one finger … Jesus!

β€œTherefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

// Max Lucado

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11 years ago

Dear Brother…
This message
(God Looks for Wholehearted People ) is very useful to us…

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