πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ In What Sense Did Christ Atone?

β€œPaul states in Romans 5:11: β€˜And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.’ In what sense did Christ atone for our sins?”

This passage is one of many in our English translation ofΒ the Scriptures where it is necessary to consult the original languageΒ to ensure we have the proper sense of what the apostleΒ was seeking to convey. When we do so, we find that the GreekΒ word katallage or β€œreconciliation” is used. It is understandableΒ that the KJV translators used the term atonement because inΒ their day the term meant β€œagreement, concord, or reconciliationΒ after enmity or controversy.”

For the sake of clarification, in contemporary language theΒ word atonement obscures the meaning of the passage. TheΒ emphasis of Paul’s special revelation here is on reconciliation,Β not atonement, as confirmed by the Greek text. The HebrewΒ word kaphar, translated β€œatonement” in the Old TestamentΒ meant β€œto cover.” Hence, the blood of bulls and goats merelyΒ covered the sins of those in Old Testament times; it didn’t haveΒ the efficacy to remove them.

β€œAnd every priest standeth daily ministering and offeringΒ oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take awayΒ sins” (Heb. 10:11).

Through the forbearance of God those sins that were atonedΒ for in time past are now removed on the basis of the shedΒ blood of Christ (Rom. 3:25). Today, Paul teaches us that weΒ are freely justified and forgiven by the blood of Christ: β€œMuchΒ more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be savedΒ from wrath through Him” (Rom. 5:9). In other words, the bloodΒ of Christ doesn’t atone for our sins, it actually cleanses themΒ forevermore.

In the context of the above passage, the apostle was instructingΒ the Romans that it is a source of joy to know that we areΒ at peace with God (Rom. 5:1), seeing that we have acceptedΒ His gracious offer of reconciliation (II Cor. 5:18). The subjectΒ of Romans 5:11 is reconciliation, not atonement. source

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[…] And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement” (Rom.5: […]

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