🙏🏽 Prayer For A Pure Heart

Heavenly Father,

My desire is to have a clean and pure heart before You without the sinful desires, wickedness, bitterness, or anger that keeps me from You. Forgive me for sinning against You with my spirit, my actions, and my words. Please help me to retain the joy, happiness, and peace that You offer us throughout our trials. Because of the pain Lord, it is often difficult to smile and to keep myself from bitterness and anger.

Father, I cannot do any of this in my own power. My flesh is weak and I easily become bitter. I believe that Your grace is sufficient and that I can only have a pure heart in Your strength and power. Please grant me the strength, wisdom, and power to turn this situation over to You completely. Allow my spirit, actions, and attitudes to reflect You and Your immeasurable grace. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

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Posted in 🙏🏽 Prayers
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[…] Heavenly Father, My desire is to have a clean and pure heart before You without the sinful desires, wickedness, bitterness, or anger that keeps me from You. Forgive me for sinning against You with my spirit, my actions, and my words. Please help me to retain the joy, happiness, and peace that You offer us throughout our trials. Because of the pain Lord, it is often difficult to smile and to keep myself from bitterness and anger. Father, I cannot do any of this in my own power. My flesh is weak and I easily become bitter. I believe… Read more »

Wendy Williams
9 years ago

Thankyou very much.. This prayer has help me alot in my life. My Heart has been bitter and need your help to pray for me to allow our Lord to retain all the wickedness in me and renew a new life and pure heart within me…

12 years ago


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