πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ Sprinkled Or Dunked? 🍩

Just as some people believe that doughnuts should be sprinkled with sprinkles,Β and others believe they should be dunked in coffee, so some Christians believeΒ they should be baptized by sprinkling, and others believe they should beΒ dunked, or immersed. I personally believe the only mode of water baptism inΒ Scripture is by sprinkling.

First, while it is popular to say that water baptism is a testimony that hasΒ nothing to do with salvation, the Bible is very clear that the purpose of waterΒ baptism is to cleanse men by washing away their sins (ActsΒ 22:16Β cf. Mark 1:4;Β 16:16; ActsΒ 2:38). In Scripture, cleansing is often accomplished by sprinklingΒ (Num. 8:6,7;Β 19:13,18-22), but never by immersion. In fact, God promised theΒ Jews that after He gathers them back into their land for the kingdom,

β€œThen will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from allΒ your filthiness…will I cleanse you” (Ezek. 36:24,25).

We know it is commonly taught that the Greek word baptismos that isΒ translated β€œbaptism” in our Bibles means to β€œdip” or to dunk, but that’s not so.Β It’s true that bapto, the verb form of baptismos, means to dip, for that’s howΒ it’s translated in LukeΒ 16:24. However, dipping is only the beginning of waterΒ baptism, as we see in NumbersΒ 19:18:

β€œAnd a clean person shall take hyssop, and dip it in the water, and sprinkleΒ it upon…the persons that were there.”

β€œHyssop” was a flowery bush that, when dipped in water, was capable ofΒ absorbing enough liquid to then sprinkle it on people (Heb.Β 9:19). So in waterΒ baptism, the hyssop was immersed, the people were sprinkled.

We know that those Old Testament sprinklings were baptisms, for baptismosΒ is the word used to describe those β€œdivers washings” (Heb.Β 9:10). Even theΒ priests were washed (Ex. 29:4) with water from the laver (Ex. 40:11,12) thatΒ was not used for immersion (Ex. 30:18-21). We know John the Baptist washedΒ people in the same way, for the Jews didn’t ask β€œwhat” he was doing, as theyΒ would if he were doing something new, they asked β€œwhy” he was doing it (JohnΒ 1:25). He stood in the Jordan so he could easily dip the hyssop and sprinkleΒ people. Baptismos is also translated β€œwashing” in Mark 7:4, and few (if any)Β households in Israel had a receptacle large enough to immerse β€œtables.”

Of course, today our hearts are washed β€œby…regeneration” (Titus 3:5).Β But while your heart was cleansed in this manner, to cleanse your β€œway” (Psa.Β 119:9), you can only do so β€œby taking heed thereto according to thy Word.” Let’s take heed! source

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