πŸ‘‘ The Commandments Of The Lord

β€œIf any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledgeΒ that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord” (1 Cor.Β 14:37).

Many Christians have a fuzzy idea that when Christ ascended up from theΒ Mount of Olives to heaven, He stopped speaking. But nothing could be furtherΒ from the truth! Paul says that the things he wrote to the Corinthians, and to theΒ Body of Christ as a whole, were the β€œcommandments of the Lord”! Similarly,Β in his epistle to the Thessalonians, Paul says, β€œFor ye know what commandmentsΒ we gave you by the Lord Jesus” (1 Thes. 4:2).

After Christ ascended to heaven, Israel continued in her rebellion againstΒ God by rejecting the Holy Spirit’s ministry through the twelve. Thus, IsraelΒ was temporarily set aside by God (Acts 7). God then raised up a new apostle,Β and gave Him a message which had never before been revealed (Acts 9; Gal.Β 1:11,12). Christ spoke again!

From heaven the glorified Christ gave to the Apostle Paul a new revelationΒ concerning His heavenly ministry to the Church, the Body of Christ. To Paul,Β the apostle of the Gentiles (Rom.Β 11:13), was given the commandments ofΒ Christ for the Body of Christ today. In Paul’s epistles, we have the will of GodΒ for our Christian lives during the dispensation of the grace of God. In Paul’sΒ letters, we find the doctrines of grace that the Church is built upon and is toΒ live by and share with the world.

Notice that Paul’s words, as revealed to Him by Christ, are spoken of asΒ β€œcommandments.” This is not a take-it-or-leave-it word. When a commandmentΒ is given by God, He expects us to obey and conform our wills to His will. InΒ past dispensations, other commands were given which were valid at the timeΒ given, but are not for today, and are not for our obedience.

Take food for example (a topic close to my heart). The Bible commandsΒ man to eat only vegetables and fruit, then it allows for eating meat with fruitΒ and veggies, then it commands only certain foods to be eaten, then it commandsΒ that all food can be eaten. It is impossible to obey all of these differentΒ commands at the same time.

There are many other issues in Scripture like this, so it’s imperative to determineΒ which commands God would have us obey today. The answer is that Paul’s lettersΒ are the commandments of the Lord which are valid for today under grace. AndΒ Paul says we can eat all things (1 Tim. 4:3-5). It’s great to live under grace! source

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