πŸ‘‘ The Perfect Timing Of God ⏳

β€œBut when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons” (Galatians 4:4,5).

As this Scripture indicates, the birth of Jesus Christ was no accidentβ€”God planned its exact moment from eternity past.

When God placed the first man, Adam, on earth, He purposed that man wouldΒ β€œsubdue [control] it,” toΒ β€œhave dominion” over it and everything on it (GenesisΒ 1:28). Nevertheless, Adam sinned by joining Satan in his rebellion against God. Because of sin, man was now unable to accomplish on earth what God originally created him to do. God left the human race a promise, however, that there would come a Man, who would do what Adam failed to do. Instead of cooperating with God’s adversary like Adam had, this β€œseed of the woman” wouldΒ β€œbruise [Satan’s] head” (GenesisΒ 3:15).

Traveling up through the Scriptures, we see how God lays the groundwork for that seedline. In Genesis 12:1-3, or 2,000 years after Adam’s sin, we read God’s covenant with Abraham, that through Abraham a nation, Israel, will be born, and salvation and blessing will flow to the Gentiles through Israel. The seed of the woman becomes theΒ seed of AbrahamΒ (GalatiansΒ 3:16).

In 2 Samuel 7:12-16, and 1,000 years after Abraham, we read of God’s covenant with King David, thatΒ β€œhis seed” will inherit his throne and reign forever. The seed of the woman and of Abraham becomes theΒ seed of David.

About 1,000 years after David, Matthew 1:1 speaks of Christ’s birth, and declares,Β β€œβ€¦Jesus Christ, the son ofΒ David, the son ofΒ Abraham.” This is exactly what God had promised for thousands of years!

Jesus Christ’s birth wasΒ notΒ some haphazard event of nature. God the Father had preplanned the exact moment of the incarnation of His Son, Jesus Christ (today’s Scripture). Over a period of some 4,000 years, the three members of the Godhead worked to bring about the birth of man’s Redeemer, a plan they had even before man was created! Amazing! source

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