πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ What About Euthanasia?

β€œIt is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

It is our firm conviction that every believer in Christ should strongly oppose euthanasia on the grounds that it runs contrary to the revealed will of God. Euthanasia is the deliberate act of prematurely terminating the life of someone who is hopelessly ill. This is normally achieved through the controlled inhalation of carbon monoxide, by a lethal injection of drugs or withholding nourishment. Those who are advocates of this unwholesome rationale believe that it is morally acceptable to end the pain and suffering of a loved one whose life would otherwise be meaningless. In the name of compassion Michigan’s infamous β€œDr. Death” has assisted in many such suicides, proclaiming himself to be an angel of mercy.

Thankfully most physicians still hold to the Hippocratic oath, which states that every effort should be made to preserve life. But even more importantly, man has no moral right to terminate a life that has been given by God. It has been appropriately said: β€œSuicide doesn’t end the pain, it only lays it on the broken shoulders of the survivors.” Many seem to have forgotten that it is God β€œin whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10). We sympathize, of course, with any family who has a loved one who is terminally ill. Nevertheless, to cut that life short may send them to a Christless eternity when they might have otherwise believed before their natural death. Also, we may never know how many souls in the medical profession have been saved because they were in the presence of a dying saint or family member who was faithful in sharing Christ. The Lord’s consolation at such times is β€œMY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE!” source

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