πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ What About Me In The Future?

Is it not amazing that men who can produce intricate electronic mechanisms, build giant sky-scrapers, fly men to the moon and back β€” is it not amazing that such men often do not even know what will finally become of themselves! And what is more amazing still is that most of them do not even try seriously to find out.

They are intelligent enough to plan carefully for the future where temporal affairs are concerned, but foolish enough to neglect their eternal welfare. They make plans for themselvesΒ in caseΒ they become ill and need additional funds for surgery, medicine and hospital care. They even make plans for their loved ones in case of death and bereavement, but fail to ask themselves: β€œWhat will become ofΒ me after death?”

Daily β€œthe wise of this world” witness the truth of Hebrews 9:27, thatΒ β€œit is appointed unto men once to die”, and most of them know that the Bible adds:Β β€œafter this the judgment”. They may hope that this is but a false alarm, but they do not know. They can only wonder and worry. Hebrews 2:15 declares thatΒ β€œthrough fear of death” they areΒ β€œall their lifetime subject to bondage”. Like Adam, they run and hide from God instead of running to Him and asking:Β β€œWhat must I do to be saved?” Too cowardly to face up to their own grave, no hope beyond the tomb β€” too afraid, generally, to even discuss death.

The believer in the Word of God is not left thus in the dark. Instead, he glories in the truth. source

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