πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ Why Should We Fear God?

β€œWhy should we fear God (2 Cor. 7:1)?”

Our apostle Paul says we should be β€œperfecting holinessΒ in the fear of God.” Christians needn’t fear that God will take away our salvation if weΒ don’tΒ perfect holiness in our lives, for we are saved and eternally secure (Rom. 8:35-39). But Paul says to β€œwork out your own salvationΒ with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12) because we must never forget theΒ majestyΒ of the God who gave us our salvation.

Consider that when God appeared on Mt. Sinai, β€œall the people that was in the campΒ trembled” (Ex. 19:16). God was not angry with His people here, so it was not His wrath that induced their terror. It was the thunder and lightning and the β€œexceeding loud” voice of God, the manifestations of His majesty, that struck such fear in their hearts. God is not angry with us either, but we should be just as mindful of His awesomeness, from what we know of Him in His Word, even though we cannot see or hear the physical manifestations of His majesty.

We might compare how every time an angel appears to men in the Bible, the first words out of his mouth are usually β€œfear not” (Matt. 28:4,5; Luke 1:12,13; 2:9,10, etc.) That’s because angels are so awesome in appearance that men naturallyΒ cowerΒ before them. Well, if they cower before angels, and angels are mereΒ creationsΒ of Almighty God, how much more would we fear the Creator Himself were we to be able to seeΒ Him.

Finally, you might also compare how a husband who has a godly wifeΒ fearsΒ to hurt herβ€”not because he is afraid she’ll leave him, for she has vowed she never will. But rather because he is afraid to presume on her grace by grieving her. Similarly, God would never leave us, but we don’t want to presume on His grace by grieving the very Spirit that seals us (Eph. 4:30). source

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