πŸ‘‘ A New Body

The older we get, the more our bodies wear out and are filled with achesΒ and pains. It reminds us of our heavenly home, and helps prepare usΒ for the time when we step into eternity.

When John the Apostle explainedΒ the physical eternal state, he wrote, β€œBeloved, now are we theΒ sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we knowΒ that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him asΒ he is” (I John 3:2). Gospel accounts of our resurrected Savior describeΒ Him with a body similar in appearance to His previous state. We wouldΒ surely expect that as God Himself, the Savior no longer experienced anyΒ pain. Revelation 21:4 confirms this when it refers to the eternal state of theΒ kingdom saints. John wrote, β€œAnd God shall wipe away all tears…thereΒ shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there beΒ any more pain; for the former things are passed away.”

The Apostle PaulΒ explains there will be vast differences in our new eternal body. It will beΒ a β€œcelestial” body (I Cor. 15:38-40), meaning it will fitted by God to thriveΒ in the atmosphere of the heavens. In contrast to our physical bodies thatΒ are weak, degenerating and eventually corrupt, our new bodies will beΒ β€œraised in incorruption…glory…power…[and as] a spiritual body” (I Cor.Β 15:42-44). Paul continues his explanation by saying: β€œβ€¦flesh and bloodΒ cannot inherit the kingdom of God…behold I show you a mystery…weΒ shall all be changed” (I Cor. 15:50-51). To summarize our change he says,Β β€œβ€¦as we have born the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the imageΒ of the heavenly” (I Cor.Β 15:49).

Whenever you get weighed down with physical pain, remember, oneΒ day our Lord is going to give us new bodies without weakness or pain.Β Believe it, rejoice in it and look forward to it with thanksgiving. Keep lookingΒ up for His return in expectation and faithfulness until He comes. source

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[…] when the Lord comes, He is going to transform this body of humiliation that is prone to suffering and corruption, and conform it to His glorious body. […]

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