πŸ‘‘ Act Your Age!

While it is important to act your age atΒ anyΒ age, it’s evenΒ moreΒ important for a Christian to act in such a way that is becoming to the truth of God’s Word, as Paul told Timothy to remind older men, saying,

β€œSpeak thou the things which become sound doctrine: That the aged men be sober… temperate…” (Titus 2:1,2).

If aged Christian men want to live in such a way that is becoming to sound doctrine, they must beΒ sober.Β But the word β€œsober” hasΒ anotherΒ meaning in Scripture. Paul wrote the Romans,

β€œI say… to every man… not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think;Β but to think soberly” (Rom. 12:3).

Do you see how that verse defines the word β€œsober” asΒ not thinking too highly of yourself?

If you’re wondering why Paul would have to say this to aged men, it is because some of them are like King Nebuchadnezzar, who got to the end of his life and said,

β€œIs not this great Babylon,Β that I have builtΒ for the house of the kingdomΒ by the might of my power…?” (Daniel 4:30).

Similarly, some aged men look back at their lives and think, β€œWasn’t I something? Look at all that I accomplished in my life!” But that’s not thinkingΒ soberly.Β It’s thinking more highly of yourself than you ought. And that’s certainly not a fitting way for an agedΒ ChristianΒ man to think.

Paul also says that aged men should be β€œtemperate,” a word that meansΒ moderate.Β It is related to the wordΒ temper,Β of course, a word that we always associate withΒ anger.Β But anger is what happens when youΒ loseΒ your temper. Your temper is the calm, moderate way in which we are all supposed to look at thingsΒ withoutΒ losing our temper.

Why would aged men need to be told to be temperate? Well, not all aged men can look back at their lives and think highly of themselves because of what they accomplished. Some look back and getΒ angryΒ that they didn’t accomplishΒ moreΒ in their lives. If you know any angry old men, that might be why. But Paul says that aged men should be temperate instead.

That’s because if you’re an agedΒ ChristianΒ man,Β you’ve accomplished more in life than you think. In speaking of the Judgment Seat of Christ where your Christian life will be judged, Paul wrote,

β€œβ€¦judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come… then shall every man have praise of God” (I Corinthians 4:5).

When the Lord comes,Β allΒ believers will have praise of God when their lives are reviewed. So in the meantime, don’t be looking back at your life and judging yourself to be a failure, and getting angry about what youΒ thinkΒ you didn’t accomplish in life. According to that verse, you have accomplished aΒ praiseworthyΒ amount of things in the eyes of God, no matter what age you might be. You have His Word on it! source

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