πŸ‘‘ An Apostle According to the Truth

β€œPaul…an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to…the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness” (Titus 1:1).

There’s a reason why Paul says he was made an apostle according to β€œthe acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness.” It is because ifΒ you’reΒ after godliness inΒ yourΒ life, that is, if godliness is your life’s goal, you need to followΒ the truthΒ that is after godliness.

Now, the truth that is after godlinessΒ used to beΒ the Law of Moses. Under the Law, if you kept the sabbath, and kept Israel’s seven feasts, and didn’t eat unclean foods, and did all the other things the Law demanded of you,Β you were godly.Β But the Law isΒ notΒ the truth that makes men godly in the dispensation of grace, and Paul was made an apostle to get men toΒ acknowledgeΒ that dispensational change.

The wordΒ acknowledgeΒ means to admit that something is true–usually something that you don’tΒ wantΒ to admit is true! For instance, no one likes to acknowledge it when they’ve sinned against God (cf. Hos. 5:15), and many people don’t like to admit that the Law is no longer the truth that makes men godly either.

Godliness today doesn’t consist of resting on the sabbath, it consists of resting in the work that the Lord Jesus Christ did for us on the cross! The sabbath was just a type, aΒ symbol,Β of such rest. Godliness today also no longer consists of viewing certain foods as unclean. The only reason it was godly under the Law to view certainΒ foodsΒ as unclean was because under the Law certainΒ peopleΒ were unclean–the Gentiles (Lev. 20:24,25 cf. Acts 10:15,28). So godliness today consists of recognizing that we have the liberty to eat foods that were once unclean because we recognize that Gentiles are no longer unclean in God’s sight.

In addition, while observing Israel’s feasts made a man godly under the Law, godliness today understands that Christ is theΒ fulfillmentΒ of the Law’s seven feasts. β€œChrist our passover is sacrificed for us” (I Cor. 5:7), so there is no need for us to keep the feast of passover. AndΒ becauseΒ Christ our passover is sacrificed for us, β€œwe have now received the atonement” (Rom. 5:11), so we don’t have to observe the Day of Atonement either.

In short, β€œthe truth which is after godliness” has undergone a dispensational change from what it was under the Law to what it is today under grace. And Paul was made an apostle to get men toΒ acknowledge that dispensational change. IfΒ youΒ will acknowledge it, I guarantee it will revolutionize your Christian life, and make you eternally glad you did! source

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[…] to it. That is, he was made an apostle toΒ revealΒ that faith andΒ preachΒ it, and make known that body of truth. Paul calls it β€œthe faith which should afterwards be revealed” (Gal. 3:23) because […]

[…] doing, and only now is the believer in a position to do good works that will please God. Thus the Apostle writes of believers: β€œIf we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will […]

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