πŸ‘‘ An Example In Forgiving

The Savior came to Israel with the offer of the Gospel of the Kingdom,Β therein offering the forgiveness of sins. He taught His followersΒ to pray to the Father for forgiveness (on the condition they must forgiveΒ others [Matt. 6:12-15]). When He healed a man sick with palsy heΒ stated: β€œSon…thy sins be forgiven thee” (Matt. 9:2), and He taught PeterΒ the necessity to forgive one who came asking forgiveness and to do soΒ as many times as the one asking was sincere (Matt. 18:21-35).

Actually, the Lord Jesus Christ came offering divine forgiveness toΒ all of Israel. Peter told his fellow Jews that Christ was now exaltedΒ to the right hand of God the Father in heaven β€œto give repentance toΒ Israel and forgiveness of sins” (Acts 5:31). This was the message ofΒ our Lord throughout His earthly ministry. He told His disciples HeΒ had come β€œto seek and to save them that are lost.”

Once Israel was set aside and the Apostle Paul was raised up by theΒ Lord to minister to Gentiles, the message of forgiveness remained theΒ focal point. The risen Savior explained Paul’s mission was to go to allΒ the world, β€œto open their (sinners) eyes, and to turn them from darknessΒ to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they mightΒ receive the forgiveness of sins” (Acts 26:18). This would be done byΒ pointing Jew and Gentile, man and woman, young and old, to personalΒ faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their only hope for eternal life.

The Savior was the greatest example of forgiveness. Even after HisΒ enemies had Him falsely imprisoned, beaten, and crucified, He askedΒ His Heavenly Father from the cross to β€œβ€¦forgive them, for they knowΒ not what they do” (Luke 23:34). We know He could have called tenΒ thousand angels to command His release from prison or the cross, butΒ He refused, that He might pay the sin debt of the world so that youΒ and I could be forgiven. Colossians 2:13 tells us that every believerΒ has forgiveness so complete that He has β€œforgiven you ALL trespasses.” This God-man, our Savior, is one most worthy of our love, respect, andΒ dedication. Rejoice in Him. Exalt His name! source

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