πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ Are You A Pillar of God’s Community?

β€œAnd when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision” (Galatians 2:9).

When Paul shared his new message of grace with the leaders of the twelve apostles, it seemed that James, Peter and John were going to beΒ pillars.Β That is, it seemed like they wouldn’tΒ receive his new message, that instead they were each going to beΒ as immoveable as a pillarΒ when it came to acknowledging it.

That’s the way the word β€œpillar” is used in RevelationΒ 3:12, where we read that God will take those who overcome the temptation to take the mark of the beast and make each oneΒ a pillar, a permanent part of His temple, theΒ livingΒ temple made up of believers (cf. AmosΒ 9:11,12). In that same sense of the wordΒ pillar, James, Peter and John looked like they wouldΒ permanentlyΒ resist Paul’s new message, and cling to the truth the Lord had givenΒ themΒ for the dispensation that was passing away.

By the way, that’s howΒ youΒ should be about the truth that God has givenΒ you. You should cling to itΒ with all your might.Β You know, the way Peter clung to the truth God had given him in the Law when the Lord surprised him with a command to eat unclean animals. Peter replied, β€œNot so,Β Lord” (ActsΒ 10:14). He stood there arguing withΒ the Lord Jesus Christ Himself,Β standing his ground, saying, β€œYour WordΒ saysΒ I can’t eat unclean animals.” Now, if he put up that kind of fight with the Lord,Β imagineΒ the battle he gaveΒ PaulΒ over something new! I expect that he gave PaulΒ the fight of his life.Β β€œWhat do you mean there’s an entire new program called the mystery that the prophets knew nothing about?” (cf. Ephesians 3:1-9).

And listen, he wasΒ 100% right to do so.Β That’s the wayΒ youΒ should be about the truth that God has givenΒ youΒ through Paul, because Paul says the church of which you are a part is β€œtheΒ pillarΒ and ground of the truth” (I Tim.Β 3:15). When someoneΒ attacksΒ the truth, you need to give himΒ the fight of his life.Β Graciously, of course! (II Tim.Β 2:24,25). If Stonewall Jackson stoodΒ like a stone wallΒ in the onslaught of enemy opposition,Β you should too. God help us to be like Jeremiah, whom God made β€œan iron pillar…against the whole land” (JeremiahΒ 1:18,19). When the dust of this life settles and eternity begins, it will be all that will have mattered. source

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