πŸ‘‘ Grace, And How This Affects Us

Ask the average believer what the Bible word β€œgrace” means, and he will doubtless reply, β€œunmerited favor”.

Actually, however, grace is much more than this.

Subjectively, it is that loving attitude, or disposition, on God’s part, from which all His kindness toward us flows.

Objectively, it is all the kindness that flows from His love toward us.

Thus we read in Ephesians 2:2-6 that we wereΒ β€œthe children of disobedience” and thereforeΒ β€œby nature the children of wrath, even as others”.

β€œBut God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”

This passage begins with those who were β€œchildren of disobedience” and β€œchildren of wrath” and, saving them β€œby grace,” gives them a position in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus!

But now, having given us a position in His beloved Son, God’s grace goes out to us in still greater measure. Beholding us in Christ, God loves us and delights in us more than any father ever delighted in his son, or any grandfather in that precious grandchild.

What a prospect! Through the ages of eternity God will lavish His loving kindness upon us to demonstrate to all the universeΒ β€œthe exceeding riches of His grace” (Eph 2.7)! source

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[…] sins and many others. If that describesΒ yourΒ Christian life and ministry of the doctrine of God’s grace, I’d invite you to consider showingΒ sincerityΒ in doctrine instead. Ours is a high and holy […]

[…] believers under grace, we don’t bring an ongoing sacrifice for sin; instead we praise God and rest in the […]

[…] the difference? Under the Law, God corrected the Jews with theΒ rodΒ of correction. Under grace, He corrects us withΒ wordsΒ of correction–the words found in His rightly divided Word. That […]

[…] of beef, chicken, pork, fish or shellfish we eat is good and not to be withheld as unclean today. Under grace, eating a ham sandwich is acceptable. Paul adds that it is set apart by God in accordance with His […]

[…] fact that God deals with us in grace does not mean that believers should not, or do not, love Him. The very opposite is true, for love […]

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