πŸ‘‘ Home Keepers

In Paul’s letter to Titus, he gave the young man some instructions to pass on to β€œaged women” (Titus 2:1-3).Β One of the things Paul tells aged women to do is to β€œteach…young women” with β€œhusbands” and β€œchildren” to be β€œkeepers at home” (Titus 2:4,5).

For instance, the Bible talks about theΒ doorkeepers of the temple (Ps. 84: 10):

β€œAnd the king commanded… the keepers of the door,Β to bring forth out of the temple of the LordΒ all the vessels that were made for Baal…” (II Kings 23:4).

Doorkeepers in the temple were commanded by the kingΒ to expel idolatryΒ from God’s home. From this example I think it is safe to extrapolate and say that Christian moms should guard the temple ofΒ theirΒ homes against idolatry as well. Now you might think that there is little danger of idolatry rearing it’s ugly head in a Christian home, but remember that the Apostle Paul says that β€œcovetousness…is idolatry” (Col. 3:5). If you’re a Christian mom, and you’ve never witnessed any covetousness inΒ yourΒ home amongΒ yourΒ children, you are a fortunate mom indeed! Most moms have to work hard to keep their children from the pitfalls of alwaysΒ wantingΒ things.

But the β€œthe vessels that were made for Baal” in the temple didn’t just promote idolatry, they also promotedΒ false doctrine.Β So I would further submit that it is the job of the door keepers of the Christian home to keep the influences of false doctrine out of the home. Moms need to be careful about the kinds of religious programming they allow to enter their homes via the radio, television and internet, etc. Kids might notΒ seemΒ to be paying attention to the words of the programs you listen to, but do you remember what the Bible says about how children learn?

β€œWhom shall He teach knowledge?Β and whom shall He make to understand doctrine?Β them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.Β For precept must be upon precept,Β precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little” (Isaiah 28:9,10).

Did you ever wonder why those versesΒ repeatΒ themselves so much? It is because children learn by constant repetition. And if a mom is constantly listening to errant Bible teachers, her children are learningΒ error–line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. Christian mom, you are your children’s first line of defense against unsound doctrine.

Finally, there is yetΒ anotherΒ kind of keeper mentioned in Scripture, the β€œkeeper of the wardrobe” (II Kings 22:14). Moms are in charge of providing suitable clothing for their children (Prov. 31:21)–and then there’s the endless job of washing and ironing the wardrobe!

But there is more to being the keeper of the wardrobe than this. Christian moms must see that daughters learn to dress like young ladies, and boys learn to dress like young men. This might not seem very important on the surface, but stop for a minute and consider how the world around us is pushing our society toward what they call a β€œgender neutral” status. In the face of this onslaught of evil, could anything be more important than for moms to be β€œkeepers of the wardrobe.”

As you can see, being β€œkeepers at home” involves far more than justΒ housekeeping. A mom who is keeping a Christian home is standing firm on the front line of the battle for the minds and hearts and souls of her children. And is there anything more important than that? source

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