πŸ‘‘ How Aged Men Should Behave

Recently I came across a web site called, β€œLies That Moms Tell Their Kids To Get Them To Behave.” One mom told her kids she had a new phone app that could tell her when they were misbehaving behind her back!

Well, while children should heed Paul’s advice to β€œobey your parents in the Lord” simply because, as Paul went on to say, β€œthis is right” (Eph. 6:1), the apostle Paul says that β€œaged men” should behave themselves for aΒ differentΒ reason. He told Titus,

β€œβ€¦speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: That the aged men be… grave… sound in faith” (Titus 2:1,2).

Aged Christian men should behave themselves because it isΒ becomingΒ to the sound doctrine they profess to believe. That word means to make something look good. Officers in the military can be charged with β€œconduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman” if they misbehave and make the military look bad, but aged Christian men should want to make the sound doctrine they believe and teach look good!

And that includes being β€œgrave,” a word that meansΒ serious–deadly serious! As men grow old, they tend to mellow, andΒ notΒ take things as seriously as they did when they were young. While that might be okay in some areas of life, Paul is talking about being serious inΒ spiritual matters, and the gravity of spiritual things doesn’t diminish with age. So if you are an older Christian man, you might want to take stock of your life to determine if you are as serious about serving the Lord as you were when you wore a younger man’s clothes.

Paul says that aged men should also be β€œsound in faith.” The word β€œsound” meansΒ healthy,Β wholesomeΒ andΒ strong. When Isaiah wanted to describe how sinful the people of Israel were in his day, he compared them to a diseased man’s body (Isaiah 1:5), saying of his nation, β€œthere is noΒ soundness in it” (Isaiah 1:6). So being β€œsound in faith” means having strong and healthy faith.

Maybe you noticed that Paul didn’t say that aged men should be sound inΒ theΒ faith. That is, he didn’t say they should be sound in the body of truth given to Paul for the dispensation of grace. That’s true, but that’s something Paul expressed earlier in this epistle (Titus 1:13). Here the word β€œfaith” means faithfulness,Β as it does when Paul wrote of God’s faithfulness to the people of Israel despite their unbelief (Rom. 3:3). So in saying that aged men should be β€œsound in faith,” Paul is saying they should beΒ strong in their faithfulness to the Lord.

And now that I’m getting to be an aged man myself, I think I can understand why the apostle says this to aged men. It is the same reason he tells us all, β€œbe not weary in well doing” (Gal. 6:9). That’s challenging for believers at any age, but it is aΒ particularΒ challenge when a man starts getting on in years. I still love studying the Word and teaching it, but I have to tell you, I’m getting tired! So I can see why Paul would tell aged men that they should be β€œsound in faith,” and not let wearinessΒ or anything elseΒ affect the soundness of their faithfulness to the Lord.

So if you’re a Christian man who is willing to admit that the word β€œaged” might describe you, I hope that the words β€œgrave” and β€œsound in faith” canΒ alsoΒ be used to describe you. If you’re as serious about serving the Lord as you were when you were young, it will surely show in your faithfulness to Him. And Paul says that these are β€œthings that become sound doctrine.”

Of course, one of the ways to helpΒ ensureΒ that you’ll be sound in faith when you get old is to start while you are young!

β€œRemember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

You’ll be eternally glad you did! source

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