πŸ‘‘ Liberated To Serve

β€œFor, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another” (GalatiansΒ 5:13).

Today, as we in the United States celebrate the 241st anniversary of our nation’s independence, we invite our Christian brethren worldwide to rejoice with us concerning our freedom in Jesus Christ.

When we proclaim RomansΒ 6:14β€”β€œYe are not under the law, but under grace”—people tend to assume β€œloose living.” Does β€œgrace living” really mean we can now live any way we want? Lest anyone be misled in that regard, God the Holy Spirit moved the Apostle Paul to write in the next verse,Β β€œWhat then?Β shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbidΒ [May God never let that happen!]” (RomansΒ 6:15). Grace living isΒ notΒ Law-keeping, but it certainly isΒ notΒ Law-breakingΒ either.

God still cares how we live, albeit He isΒ notΒ operating theΒ β€œweak and beggarly” system ofΒ β€œbondage” (Law) that He once did with Israel (Galatians 4:9). God proved to the entire world that since Israel could not keep His commandments perfectly, no other sons of Adam (the Gentiles) could either:Β β€œNow we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them [Israel] who are under the law:Β that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world [Gentiles] may become guilty before God” (RomansΒ 3:19).

We sinners cannot keep the Law. However, God in His grace provided us a way to escape that condemnation by sending Jesus Christ to offer Himself on Calvary’s cruel cross to pay for our sins. By simple faith in Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection as the fully-satisfying payment for our sins, we can now beΒ β€œmade the righteousness of God in [Christ]” (2 CorinthiansΒ 5:21). We can be delivered from the penalty of sin (hell and the lake of fire) and the power of sin (flesh-walking).

Why are we Christians free? To selfishly live any way we want?Β NO!Β Today’s Scripture says we are liberated to now serve others, especially our Christian brethren, just as Jesus Christ selflessly served His Father and selflessly died on our behalf.Β That is grace living! source

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