πŸ‘‘ Light For The Soul

A Christian believer talking to an atheistic evolutionist one time, took his watch out of his pocket, noted the time and put it back in again, saying to his friend: β€œThis is a wonderful watch; never misses a second. I never have to do anything to it, yet it keeps perfect time.”

β€œWhat make is it?” asked the evolutionist. β€œOh, no make,” was the reply. β€œWell who manufactured it?” β€œOh, no one. It just put itself together somehow.”

β€œNonsense!” said the atheist. β€œA watch can’t just come into existence. SomebodyΒ hadΒ to manufacture it.”

β€œThat’s true,” replied the Christian, β€œyet you expect me to believe that this vast universe with its billions of planets and stars, all revolving in perfect order, just came about by itself; that it has no Designer, no Creator, and no one to keep it running. Isn’tΒ thatΒ nonsense!”

According to the Bible God holds the pagan world responsible for its idolatry and declares: β€œThey are without excuse” (Rom.Β 1:20) because all that the heathen witness about God every day calls for their worship and praise and thanksgiving (Rom.Β 1:20,21). But they have not had this attitude. They have denied and rejected God and, as St. Paul says, they β€œbecame vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Rom.Β 1:21). It was thus that pagan idolatry, the worship of the creation, rather than the Creator (Rom.Β 1:25) had its beginning.

All this is very much like what we read in EphesiansΒ 4:17,18 where God exhorts His people not to live like β€œthe Gentiles,” in β€œtheΒ vanity [shallowness] of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God throughΒ the ignorance that is in them, because ofΒ the blindness of their heart.”

Not very complimentary, is it? But it does reflect the condition of the human heart without God and apart from faith in Christ our Savior. It explains why the world, with all its increased technical knowledge is worse off than ever.

How wonderful to know that β€œGod, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness,” can give light and joy and blessing to the simplest soul who places his faith in Christ, who died for our sins! (See II Cor. 4:3-6; ActsΒ 16:31; I Cor. 15:3,4). source

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[…] every believer God has caused light, wonderful light, to shine out of the darkness and fill the heart, just as once He said to the dark and chaotic […]

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