πŸ‘‘ Little Girl, Arise

I was addressing an Assyrian audience on the raising of Jairus’ twelve-year-old daughter by the Lord Jesus Christ, and using the narrative to illustrate how God, through His Word, gives resurrection life to those who are β€œdead in trespasses and sins.”

It so happens that Aramaic, spoken by our Lord on earth, is almost identical to Assyrian and there is one small phrase in the story where our English Version presents the very words our Lord spoke to Jairus’ daughter: β€œTalitha cumi,” or β€œLittle girl, arise.”

Now it also happened that in our audience there was a little Assyrian girl who, like Jairus’ daughter, was twelve years old. As I told of Jairus’ anxiety for his dying daughter and his anguish at the news of her death, the little Assyrian girl could understand nothing; she had to wait until my words were interpreted into Assyrian. But when I got to the words β€œTalitha cumi” she needed no interpreter. Leaping from her chair she stood looking at me with eager, sparkling eyes, as if to say: β€œWhat do you want of me? What can I do now?”

Like Jairus’ daughter, our little girl had heard and understood just those three words and had applied them to herself. So it is with those who have received β€œlife in Christ.” β€œDead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1), they paid little heed to the Word of God (I Cor. 2:14), but one day, by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, they did take heed and believe some simple gospel passage, like β€œChrist died for our sins” (I Cor. 15:3) and, applying it to themselves, were β€œraised to walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4).

Nothing would please us more than if some reader should thus apply the gospel of God’s grace to himself and receive eternal life.

β€œBelieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and THOU shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). source

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