πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ Scripture Alone. Grace Alone. Faith Alone.

The Reformation Solas: Scripture Alone. Grace Alone. Faith Alone.

Scripture Alone

β€œAll scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2 TimothyΒ 3:16,17).

OnΒ October 31, 2017, we Bible believers celebrate the 500thΒ anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation!

When Roman Catholic priest Martin Luther nailed his β€œ95 Theses” to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, he systematically outlined and protested ecclesiastical excesses and abuses (particularly the practice of selling indulgencesβ€”paying the pope to receive forgiveness of sins!). Church tradition had replaced Sacred Scripture, the written Word of God. Luther, whose original intention was to reform the Roman Catholic Church, actually started aΒ revolution. A spiritually-dead church abounding with spiritually-dead people doing spiritually-dead works couldΒ notΒ be improved. Apostasy was too widespread; Romanism was too corrupt.

Bible-believing Christians existed throughout church history, but organized religion (Roman Catholicism!) persecuted and suppressed them. Luther, walking in the light that he had, gave them a public voice and brought much attention to God’s truth to which they held! One such truth to be reemphasizedβ€”thoughΒ notΒ established for the first timeβ€”was β€œsola Scriptura” (Latin, β€œScripture alone”). The authority wasΒ notΒ in the Roman papacy or priesthood, but inΒ the written Word of God alone. (Luther thus later spent a decade translating the Bible into German.)

Those who support a β€œSacred ScriptureΒ andΒ Sacred Tradition” view ask us for a Bible verse to defend our β€œsola Scriptura” position. Today’s Scripture clearly states thatΒ the BibleΒ containsΒ everythingΒ that God wants us to know.Β The ScripturesΒ equip us to accomplishΒ everythingΒ that God wants us to do. What are the inferences? If it isΒ notΒ in the Bible, then itΒ notΒ what God wants us to know! If it isΒ notΒ in Holy Writ, then it isΒ notwhat God wants us to do! If it isΒ notΒ in the Scriptures, then it isΒ notΒ a good work! (So, if the Bible is sufficient, then what is the purpose of church tradition? Why, to challenge the Bible!)

Over 200 times the New Testament quotes the Old Testament. The New Testament writers appealed toΒ ScriptureΒ for validation of truth instead of church leaders or religious tradition! Evidently, they preferred β€œsola Scriptura” too!

Grace Alone

β€œBeing justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”(RomansΒ 3:24).

β€œSola gratia,” another Bible teaching the Reformers recovered (notΒ invented!), is Latin for β€œgrace alone.” How can we be justifiedβ€”made rightβ€”before God? By God’s goodness alone? Or, because of God’s goodnessΒ andΒ our goodness?

As per β€œsola Scriptura”—by Scripture aloneβ€”we see that Adam has caused man’s nature to beΒ corrupt from conception.Β After committing his horrible sin with Bathsheba, King David confessed in Psalm 51:5:Β β€œBehold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” When David prayed, verse 1 has him saying:Β β€œHave mercy upon me, O God, according toΒ thy lovingkindness: according untoΒ the multitude ofΒ thy tender merciesΒ blot out my transgressions.” Why would God forgive David? Because ofΒ David’sΒ β€œgoodness?” Nay,Β evilΒ David would be forgivenΒ onlyΒ because ofΒ God’sΒ grace!

Jeremiah 17:9 says:Β β€œThe heart isΒ deceitfulΒ above all things, andΒ desperatelyΒ wicked: who can know it?” The Lord Jesus affirmed in Mark chapter 7:Β β€œ[20] And he said, That whichΒ cometh out of the man,Β that defileth the man. [21] ForΒ from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, [22] Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: [23] AllΒ these evil things come from within, and defile the man.” No wonder RomansΒ 3:23Β says:Β β€œFor all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;….”

Frankly, God doesΒ notΒ β€œowe” us a way to Heaven, as there isΒ nothingΒ in our nature that He accepts. In fact, His justice demands that His righteousness be enforced. Anything short of His holinessβ€”including man’s sin natureβ€”deserves His wrath. That fury is Hell and, ultimately, everlasting punishment in the Lake of Fire.Β NoΒ religious activity (water baptism, church membership, confession, prayer, et cetera) can abolish man’s sin nature or rescue him from his deserved eternal doom. As David realized, man, spiritually bankrupt, must lookΒ beyondΒ himself and his feeble abilities to God’sΒ grace, what God can do for him!

Faith Alone

β€œFor by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9).

The third Reformation principle, β€œsola fide” (Latin, β€œfaith alone”), protests the well-known Roman Catholic mishandling of JamesΒ 2:24. β€œA man is justified by faith and works” is clearly written toΒ IsraelΒ (chapter 1, verse 1). Following God’s instructions to others isΒ surelyΒ destructive. Lost people wake up in eternal hellfireΒ quoting Scripture (including JamesΒ 2:24!).

In this the Dispensation of God’s Grace,Β salvation is by grace through faith plus nothing. Romans chapter 3:Β β€œ[26] To declare, I say, at this time [God’s]Β righteousness: that he might be just, andΒ the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. [27] Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but byΒ the law of faith. [28] Therefore we conclude thatΒ a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.”

Our Apostle Paul (RomansΒ 11:13) continues in chapter 4:Β β€œ[3] For what saith the scripture?Β [Sola Scriptura!]Β Abraham believed GodΒ [Sola Fide!], and it was counted unto him for righteousness. [4] Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of graceΒ [Sola Gratia!], but of debt. [5] But to him that worketh notΒ [Sola Fide!], but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodlyΒ [Sola Fide!], his faithΒ [Sola Fide!]Β is counted for righteousness.”Rather than having religious self-righteousness (Romans 10:1-3), remember that Heaven is gained byΒ faith alone in Christ’s righteousnessΒ alone!Β β€œChrist died for our sins, He was buried, and He rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians 15:3,4).

The Reformers, while lacking the more perfect Bible understanding we enjoy, nevertheless walked in the spiritual light they had. They understood justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Romans chapters 1-5). In the 500 years since, we have recovered the rest of the Book of Romans that religious tradition had stifled (chapters 6-16β€”victorious Christian identity and living, differences between Israel and the Body of Christ, and grace principles for various life situations). Brethren, let us walk in the lightΒ weΒ have, further building on the Reformers’ efforts! source

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[…] πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ Scripture Alone. Grace Alone. Faith Alone. […]

[…] he saw things in a whole new light. As Luther was reading Romans 1:17, where it states, β€œThe just shall live by faith,” he paused a moment, and then it suddenly dawned on him that salvation was byΒ faith. Up to […]

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