πŸ“–πŸ‘‘ The Departure From Paul’s Message

The Church, even the trueΒ Church of believers in Christ, isΒ doubtless larger today than it hasΒ ever been. Yet it is weak and sick,Β confused and divided.

Many feel that the causes of theΒ Church’s low spiritual state are:Β failure to live separated lives, lackΒ of prayer, indifference toward theΒ lost, etc. These, however, are theΒ effects, not the causes. The cause isΒ the Church’s departure from God’sΒ message and program for our day,Β as revealed through the writingsΒ of the Apostle Paul. There lies theΒ root of the trouble, though few asΒ yet recognize or acknowledge it.

With Israel it was the departureΒ from Moses’ law that constantlyΒ got her into trouble; with us it hasΒ been the departure from PaulineΒ truth. For, remember, as surely asΒ the dispensation of the Law wasΒ committed to Moses, so surely wasΒ the dispensation of Grace committedΒ to Paul (Ephesians 3:1-3), and thoseΒ who have lapsed or backsliddenΒ from his day to ours, have doneΒ so, not so much by departing fromΒ the Word of God in general as byΒ departing from the Word of GodΒ through Paul in particular.

Toward the close of his lifeΒ Moses urged the people of IsraelΒ not to take the riches of CanaanΒ for granted. Indeed, he warnedΒ them that if they did this theyΒ would soon β€œutterly perish fromΒ off the land” which they had goneΒ to possess, and would be scatteredΒ among the heathen.

Likewise Paul, also, warnedΒ believers that they would loseΒ the blessings intended for themΒ if they departed from the truthΒ and the program made known toΒ them. Some, indeed, had alreadyΒ begun to depart, and the loss ofΒ blessing had become evident. TheΒ Galatians are a striking exampleΒ of this and a lesson to us.

How they had rejoiced whenΒ Paul first came to them with β€œtheΒ preaching of the cross” (1 Corinthians 1:18) and β€œtheΒ gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24)! Soon after his departure, however,Β they were taken in by theΒ Judaizers who β€œzealously affectedΒ [courted]” them to draw themΒ away from Paul and his messageΒ (GalatiansΒ 4:17). And now Paul had toΒ write them:

β€œI marvel that ye are so soonΒ removed from him that calledΒ you into the grace of Christ untoΒ another gospel” (GalatiansΒ 1:6).

β€œO foolish Galatians, who hathΒ bewitched [charmed] you, that yeΒ should not obey the truth, beforeΒ whose eyes Jesus Christ hathΒ been evidently [plainly] set forth,Β crucified among you?” (GalatiansΒ 3:1).

Gone was the blessedness!Β Those who had rejoiced so greatlyΒ in the riches of God’s grace proclaimedΒ by Paul, had now turnedΒ back to Moses and the Law.

In Paul’s epistles we find bothΒ the tendency on the part of believersΒ to depart from the path ofΒ blessing and God’s diagnosis of theΒ particular cause of the trouble. InΒ every case the cause is rebellionΒ against Paul’s God-given authorityΒ and departure from his God-givenΒ message and program. source

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Posted in πŸ“– Doctrine, πŸ‘‘ Studies
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