πŸ‘‘ The Wise, The Rich, and TheΒ Generous

β€œAnd when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh” (MatthewΒ 2:11).

TheΒ wiseΒ men… theΒ richΒ men… theΒ generousΒ men!

Due to much abuse, money is always understandably a very touchy topic in churches. There are so many schemes and scams designed to take people’s hard-earned cash. Sadly, they are most successful in β€œChristian” settings. There is such a nice ring of truth to these religious messages. After all, over two billion people hold the name of β€œJesus Christ” in such high regard. When that name is utteredβ€”or even the general name β€œGod”—people suspect nothing nefarious (even if the matter involves absurdities). The wise men of today’s Scripture indeed gave… carefully investigatingΒ instead of blindly supporting a charlatan!

When the wise men came to Jesus Christ, notice He was aΒ β€œyoung child,” as much as two years old (see verse 16). He wasΒ notΒ a baby. It wasΒ notΒ the manger scene but aΒ β€œhouse”in Nazareth. These wise men were also rich men, and they were willing to give their money for God’s work. They didΒ notΒ give indiscriminately. They gave in faith, believing God’s Word. They had seen the star of Israel’s King in the east. They had come to worship Him after that star had led them to His house. Their worship wasΒ notΒ merely falling down before Him, or shouting, β€œPraise Jesus!” No, part of their worship was giving material goods. They wereΒ notΒ greedy. They wereΒ notΒ idolatrous. Rather than worshipping their wealth, they used it to worship Jesus Christ.

Brethren, let us by faith follow the example of the wise men. While we may not be rich, we can be wise in using what we do have, and we can be generous in giving to any sound (grace) Bible churches and ministries that benefit us. Second Corinthians 9:7:Β β€œEvery man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” source

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