πŸ‘‘ Your Greatest Need

Even in these challenging financial times, the greatest need of a Christian is not monetary. It is rather found in Colossians 1:11, where Paul prays that we might be

β€œStrengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all…”

Unto allΒ what? Whatever it is, Paul is convinced we are going to have to be β€œstrengthened” with β€œall might” according to β€œHis glorious power” to obtain it. As we read on, Paul tells us the goal of all this empowerment:

β€œβ€¦unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness.”

Patience? The reason we need all this mighty empowering is so we can beΒ patient? While this mayΒ seemΒ anticlimactic, we submit thatΒ patienceΒ is our greatest need. We needΒ patienceΒ to put up with the world’s wickedness, the abortions, etc.,Β patienceΒ in knowing the Second Coming of Christ will right the world’s wrongs. We needΒ patienceΒ as televangelists continue to dominate the airwaves with their dilutions and pollutions of the gospel, andΒ patienceΒ as Bible teachers muddle the minds of the saints by their failure to rightly divide the Word. And since no man today has the gift of healing, we need patience with our physical infirmities, and longsuffering as we wait for that wonderful change that will come to our bodies at the Rapture (Phil. 3:20,21).

Finally, we need patience withΒ one another, as we learn to not just put up with other believers, but to actually give them the same unconditional love and acceptance God extends to us. Moses was patient with unbelieving Pharaoh, but lost his patience with his brethren. How like us! But ask yourself, when did David show greater spiritual strength, when heΒ slewΒ Goliath, or when heΒ refusedΒ to slay Saul?

Paul says we are to be strengthened to all patience β€œaccording to His glorious power,” but what is God’s glorious power? The destructive power He exhibited at the Red Sea is called β€œglorious” (Ex. 15:6), but we suggest that God’s glorious powerΒ todayΒ is seen inΒ HisΒ patience. The fact that God could put an end to the abortions and religious confusion, but doesn’t, is His most glorious power in the dispensation of grace.

The apostle concludes by praying that we might be patient β€œwith joyfulness,” perhaps the hardest part of longsuffering. God doesn’t chafe under the vexations He receives from the world, religion, and the Body of Christ, and neither should we!

If this kind of power were not available to us, Paul would not be praying that we might have it. And so may his prayer also be the prayer of our hearts, as we enthusiastically study the onlyΒ source of spiritual strength, God’s Word rightly divided. source

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