πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ What Should We Render to God?

When the Lord Jesus Christ said, β€œRenderΒ therefore unto Caesar the things which areΒ Caesar’s; and unto God the things that areΒ God’s” (Matt. 22:21), it was clear that He meant that the tax moneyΒ they had asked Him about (Matt. 22:19) should be rendered to the king. ButΒ did you ever wonder what He had in mind in speaking of the thingsΒ that should be rendered unto God?

Well, in the context of being asked about money that God’s peopleΒ owed the government that ruled over them in civil matters, the LordΒ was surely thinking of the money they also owed the priests who ministeredΒ to them in spiritual matters. Remember, the priestly tribe ofΒ Levi was granted no inheritance in the Promised Land, leaving themΒ no source of income other than the tithes that faithful Hebrews hadΒ to pay if they wanted to render to God what was God’s.

But I believe the Lord was thinking of something else that peopleΒ should want to render to God. Let’s not forget how the Lord determinedΒ what should be rendered to Caesar. The penny He had asked to seeΒ (Matt. 22:19) bore the emperor’s image (Matt. 22:20), and He rightly concluded thatΒ it therefore belonged to the emperor. But by that reasoning, since allΒ men bear the image of God by virtue of creation (Gen. 1:27; 9:6; 1 Cor.Β 11:7), they belong to Him and owe Him the glory that historically menΒ have refused to give Him (Rom. 1:21).

Of course, while many Christians glorify their Creator, all of themΒ should, since we who are saved bear God’s image spiritually as well.Β You see, when God saved you, you were β€œconformed to the image ofΒ His Son” (Rom. 8:29), and you β€œput on the new man” which bears β€œtheΒ image of Him that created him” (Col. 3:10). So if we render money toΒ Caesar because it bears his image, we should also yield ourselves toΒ God β€œas those that are alive from the dead” (Rom. 6:13).

In addition, your physical body also belongs to Him (1 Cor. 6:19,20),Β so it too is among the things that are His that should be rendered toΒ Him. That means that while you will no doubt want to render to GodΒ financially to support the ministries that minister to you (1 Cor. 9:11;Β Gal. 6:6), you should also consider following the lead of the Macedonians,Β who β€œfirst gave their own selves to the Lord” (2 Cor. 8:5).

In light of the endless love and amazingΒ grace that God has bestowed on us, let’s you and I render untoΒ God the things that are God’s! source

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