πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ Will We Judge Angels?

β€œWill we judge fallen or unfallen angels (I Cor. 6:3), and how will we judge them? I understand that Christ is the judge.”

The reason Paul reminded the Corinthians that we will judgeΒ angels was to suggest that they should be able to settle disputesΒ amongΒ believers (I Cor. 6:1-8). This implies that the angels we willΒ judge are likewise unfallen. It is doubtful we’d be involved inΒ judging fallen angels, or any beings, to eternal damnation.

The wordΒ judgeΒ has different meanings. Courtroom judgesΒ decide guilt or innocence and determine levels of punishment,Β while Olympic judges judge the performance of athletes andΒ award them different degrees of reward. The Bible uses theΒ wordΒ judgeΒ these ways, but in another way as well. The entireΒ Book of Judges is all about the men whoΒ ruled overΒ Israel. ThisΒ is what the Lord meant when He told the twelve they wouldΒ β€œsit upon twelve thrones,Β judgingΒ the tribes of Israel” (Matt.Β 19:28). We know thatΒ judgeΒ here also meansΒ to rule overΒ sinceΒ the Jews they will rule over will in turn rule β€œover” the citiesΒ of the world in the kingdom (Luke 19:17,19).

Psalm 82:1 said of God that β€œHe judgeth among the gods,” i.e., the angels. While God will eventually condemn fallen angels to hell (Matt. 25:41), I Kings 22 shows how He judged among the angels in time past (I Kings 22:19-22), and suggests how we will judge them in the ages to come. source

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