
πŸ‘‘ The Word Of Truth

In Eph. 1:13 the Apostle Paul declares that men are saved and sealed by hearing and believing β€œthe Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.” This declaration is substantiated by many other passages of Scripture. Our Lord said: β€œHe that heareth… and believeth… hath everlasting life” (John 5:24). … ➑

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πŸŽ„πŸ‘‘πŸŽΆ Joy To The World Β» Except During An Election Season?

On the first Christmas, the shepherds in Bethlehem learned that Jesus’ birth was a cause for celebration. The angel said in Luke 2:10: β€œFor I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people.” It’s too bad Christmas cheer is in low supply these days. … ➑

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πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ How To Overcome Prejudice

The first thing to understand in this discussion is that there is only one raceβ€”the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, and Jews are not different races. Rather, they are different ethnicities of the human race. All human beings have the same physical characteristics (with minor variations, of … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ 4 Of The Most Misquoted Verses In The Bible

OK, let me confess: I’m guilty of using Bible verses to say what I want them to mean.

This short list is more of a personal correction than anything else. Also, let me be clear, I don’t think it’s a felony to use verses in slightly different contexts. I’m … ➑

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πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ How Do We Know The Creator Is The God Of The Bible?

You can believe fallible man’s ideas that there is no God, or trust the perfect Word of God, the 66 books of the Bible, that says there is. The issue is simple; it is a matter of faithβ€”God exists or God doesn’t exist. The exciting thing about being a … ➑

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πŸ™πŸ½ Prayer To Overcome Hate

Heavenly Father,

Today I lift up my heart to You, because it has become filled with hatred. Lord, I plead with You to intervene in my life and help me overcome this hatred, and anger, and resentment. Help me to reason … to discern … and to make the … ➑

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πŸ™πŸ½ Prayer To Forgive

Heavenly Father,

I need Your wisdom and Your guidance. By reading the Scriptures, I have gained a better understanding of forgiving others and with Your help, I willfully choose to extend forgiveness from my heart. I confess my sin of unforgiveness and the damage it has done to my … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ The Real Battle Is NOT Against Those Around Us!

When I’m angry with those around me or carrying resentment or unforgiveness, I oftenΒ recall Ephesians 6:12, which says that we’re not fighting flesh-and-blood enemies (some translations say β€œhuman” enemies). This reminds me that the real battle is not against our family, our friends, co-workers, etc. The devil is … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ Freedom From Pornography

Years ago I was struggling with pornography. I would fall into it and hate myself for it. I felt an incredible amount of shame and condemnation. As a result I was not pursuing God. I hated this sin but was powerless to overcome it in my own strength. I … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ A Strong And Focused Sense Of Future

β€œThe way we conceive the future sculpts the present, gives contour and tone to nearly every action and thought through the day. If our sense of future is weak, we live listlessly.

The Christian faith has always been characterized by a strong and focused sense of future, with belief … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ Spiritual Cruise Control

Hebrews 10:22-25:

β€œSo let’s do itβ€”full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together

… ➑
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πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ Are We Stuck With Our Past?

All of us have a history and all of us have our respective futures. We cannot change the past but we have the innate ability to create our futures. For most of us, our past contains some good memories and some painful memories. We have made some wise choices … ➑

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πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ Are We Blessed Because We Are Fruitful?

One of my favorite Scripture verses occurs in the opening chapter of the Bible: β€œGod blessed them and said to them, β€˜Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.'” – Genesis 1:28

Does God want us to be fruitful? Absolutely. Does God bless people because … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ Complaining And Disputing

Paul shows us that complaining actually gives place to the enemy in our lives because he thrives in an atmosphere of complaining. The Bible also shows us that we as believers should focus and meditate on the β€œgood” and β€œpraiseworthy” (Philippians 4:8). Complaining, called murmuring in the King James, … ➑

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πŸ’‘πŸ‘‘ Why Does God Seem To Wait?

Why does God seem to wait when we so desperately are begging Him to β€œdo something?” When we think of God’s timing, it can be common to lapse into a mindset that God’s clock is unintelligible, wound by a Deity who is distant and aloof to our desires. The … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ Serving When Called

When my kids were small, they were enamored with Siberian huskies because … well, they’re sled dogs and they’re cool! They wanted a husky more than anything and mentioned it often (by often, I mean often). After caving in to my daughter (a common occurrence), we found a beautiful … ➑

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πŸ’πŸ™πŸ½ Prayer To Restore Our Marriage

Heavenly Father,

I praise You that You are always in control and I pray that You will show us the power of prayer. Father please breathe hope into our marriage, showing us and speaking to us that You can heal, restore and rebuild our covenant before You. Lord, we … ➑

Posted in πŸ’ Marriage, πŸ™πŸ½ Prayers Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

πŸ‘‘ Living And Loving Without Fear

Fearless love means that your heart is hidden and sacred. Acquiring and sustaining a love for God and wrapping yourself in His mercy is a deeply profound feeling … one which encompasses you and encourages you on a daily basis to displace self-righteousness with unwavering humility.

Love is being … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ God’s Open Doors

Revelation 3:8:

β€œI know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.”

God opens doors in our lives for various reasons. There can be … ➑

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πŸ‘‘ Finding Contentment In Unfulfilled Desires

The life of Paul gives us many remarkably inspiring examples of finding contentment in God’s grace.

Philippians 1:21:

β€œFor to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain … For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is

… ➑
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