
🙏🏽 Prayer To Overcome Hate

Heavenly Father,

Today I lift up my heart to You, because it has become filled with hatred. Lord, I plead with You to intervene in my life and help me overcome this hatred, and anger, and resentment. Help me to reason … to discern … and to make the …

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🙏🏽 Prayer To Forgive

Heavenly Father,

I need Your wisdom and Your guidance. By reading the Scriptures, I have gained a better understanding of forgiving others and with Your help, I willfully choose to extend forgiveness from my heart. I confess my sin of unforgiveness and the damage it has done to my …

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🙏🏽 Prayer For Healing

Heavenly Father,

Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we turn to You in this time of affliction. As we place our sick under Your care, we humbly ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Giver of life and health, please comfort and relieve Your sick servant, …

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🙏🏽 Prayer To Release Anger

Heavenly Father,

Please help me to dwell on the good and the positive in my life. I know that it is You who examines our hearts. Search the inner depths of my heart and expose anything that is not of You so I can be set free of it.…

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